Monday, March 2, 2020

Rules Of The Road: A Guide for Living Life Well

  ***********      DISCLAIMER: THIS IS NOT A " POLITICAL" ESSAY !  **************

  Last evening, I learned that my favorite hopeful for President in 2020 had suspended his campaign.  Don't worry, I am honoring my promise to my readers & social media followers to stay away from politics.

  However, I just want to take time tonight to review Pete's " Rules of the Road"

  Here they are:
~ Joy

These qualities , listed together, are a simple way that we ALL { regardless of politics } can live better. During Lent, many Christians pause to turn back towards the promises made at our baptism,  incorporating practices that help us " live wet" and become closer to the One  Who created us.  We are loved by a loving Creator regardless, but responding to that Great Love should be living life  as the best possible version of ourselves.

  During these first few days of Lent, 2020, I find these Rules of the Road to be more than a campaign slogan.  If all people did our best to apply these qualities to our own daily life, the world would be a kinder , gentler place.  As I am reminded often, " Life is A Team Sport" & humans are meant to live together in community.  The Rules of the Road  reflect a part of Jesus' teachings that should be the backbone of every person's ethos.

  In The Gospel of Luke { Chapter 6 , verse 31} Jesus says:

 "Just as you want others to do for you, do the same for them."

  All people-regardless of who they are, where they live, age, social class, gender, ect-- want to be treated well.  These Rules of the Road"  are a quick and handy way to summarize  The Golden Rule. 


~ Joy 

  Maybe I am overly hopeful, but perhaps we The Way Of Love can be further expounded by the qualities of The Rules of the Road.   All I can do is strive daily to do my best to " live wet" and embody the qualities that I admire in other leaders who exhibit the same qualities as these Rules of the Road. 

 Additionally, it is my responsibility  to BE that sort of leader-- to do my best daily to live a life that reflects my values. 

 Dr Judy Bense, a Professor Of Anthropology at The University Of West Florida, offered her own take on  Rules of The Road at the 2020 Women In Leadership Conference on Friday. 

  Dr Bense's tagline was Grit and Grace. 

  G - Give it your all { 100 percent effort}
  R-  Re-do , f necessary { don't be afraid to fail} 
  I -   Ignore the pull to give up when work gets hard 
  T -  Take time to do things right. 

  Work hard, don't be afraid to fail. Love others as the Creator loves you. Take calculated, well-thought-out risks. 

  Be that Light in the Darkness. 

  Namaste ,

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