Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Continueing living a J.O.Y.-Filled life in the midst of uncertain times.

 This morning, our rector's homily in the virtual Mass celebrated and broadcast on Facebook Live today really struck a chord with me My rector advised all of us  participating in worship via the computer that Christians are supposed to live life in a different way than perhaps other groups of people. As Christ-followers, our identity is rooted in the teachings of a Jewish rabbi who came to teach humans how to live in community. 

My priest suggested that we remember the acronym  J.O.Y 




No matter what a person believes or does not believe about Him, one Jesus of Nazareth changed the world. He showed we humans a Way of Love. As humankind finds ourselves in a health crisis , it behooves we who follow this certain Jewish rabbi's teachings to live in a spirit of LOVE. 

Yes, the most loving act we can do for each other is stay physically apart. Yet that does not mean that we shut our hearts away from the needs of others. In times such as these, it is easy to let fear-- fear based on science-- rule our behavior towards others. This fear-based selfishness is evident in stories of people everywhere stockpiling toilet paper { again, WHY???}  as well as weapons.  While uncertain times do call for preparation, the need for some people to revert to only thinking of " myself and my household" scares and saddens me. 

ESPECIALLY when love for others directs us to stay away, love also looks like buying only what you need of supplies such as bread, cleaning supplies, milk and canned goods. People are also acting ugly online and violence against Asian-Americans has escalated. 

Is this living J.O.Y-fully? 

There is no doubt, our task to put Jesus, and therefore other people, ahead of ourselves is difficult. 

Those of us who listen to Jesus' teachings should , by default, put others first. Service to others is central to Jesus' life and teachings. Now I was not alive when He walked the Earth, but somehow I do not think that people hoarding butt tissue would be okay with Him. After all, we Christians are taught stories of this Jesus miraculously feeding the masses of people with a basketful of food.  Additionally, He also saved the day at a big wedding by changing water into much-needed wine. 

In times of crisis-- especially when the crisis mandates that we stay physically apart from one another, it is essential that we live according to J.O.Y. 

Be kind


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