Saturday, March 14, 2020

COVID19 Life and _Stranger Things_

 Honestly, the world keeps getting stranger daily.  I self-sequester from all TV news media-- as I am very sensitive to the fact that " news" in America is a for-profit business. 

 I'm looking at YOU, Sinclair-owned Channel 3 Pensacola! 

 This new virus is not like anything that I have experienced in my four decades of life on earth. { okay-- four decades plus some  change, but you know what I mean}  Empty streets, people staying across the rooms from each other. No handshakes or hugs. Disinfectant supplies everywhere and butt tissue becoming scarce. 

Can ANYONE tell me why toilet paper is such a precious commodity now? I would understand if this virus affected the intestinal tract, but it is a respiratory virus. Kleenex, if any paper product, should be the  one over which people fight. But no---- we are all literally concerned about our assholes. 

Pardon my language-- I am having a hard time adjusting to this Upside Down world. Plus, I feel anger towards the politicians in DC whose negligence paved the way for this virus to hit our shores. This negligence is not the fault of one party-- in my opinion ALL the DC politicians are guilty of only caring about re-election . 

Speaking of " Upside down" I feel as though we are living in some twisted Stephen King horror show-- something with a plot akin to Netfix's _Stranger Things_.  

To me, living in a pandemic is similar to how the portal to " the Upside Down"  activated The Mind Flayer. In reality, our  Mind Flayer is a microscopic bug. However like its fictional monster counterpart, COVID19 is unpredictable and deadly. People are terrified of it , and the government doesn't know how to stop it.  

Downtown is empty. Sports arenas cancelled their remaining contests for this season. People are sequestering themselves in their homes.  In spite of all this " social distancing" this monster virus is still running wild. 

Yup, I feel like we are trapped in our own version of "The Upside Down"  We are fighting something new-- for which there is not a protocol. People are scared, and scared people often do unkind, irrational behaviors { like buying all the butt tissue at Costco}

However, I do see some good works by people during this time in The Upside Down.  Feeding stations for school children are being set up so that children can get fed during the public school closure. Regarding higher education,  the University Of West Florida did not kick students out of dorms.  While classes shall be online-only for some weeks and students are encouraged to go home,  the dorms will be open for students who cannot get home. 

Protecting ourselves during this time is essential. Yet we need to be mindful of others & their needs. Everyone needs to use our God-given free will to make choices that benefit ourselves and others. We are not stranded in this Upside Down World alone. 

Stay safe...


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