Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The " New Normal"

Friends, we are living in scary times.  While I understand the reasons for, and will calmly comply with " virus-proofing" norms, I will say that it breaks my heart to see society fall further into isolation.  Of course I understand that we all must take preventative measures to protect everyone{ especially our most vulnerable loved ones} from this outbreak of Coronavirus.

My head-- that rational brain with which God has gifted humanity-- knows that such modifications are essential to everyone's safety. But honestly, my heart hurts from knowing that safety means that we tread lightly even among our beloveds.

As a matter of fact, this " new normal" has been in effect in our American society even before the creation of the COVID 19 virus in China.

People, with legitimate concern for personal safety, are figuratively and literally looking behind our shoulders. School, work, shopping, recreation and { saddest of all} worship  centers all have had outbreaks of gun violence. Instances of hate speech have risen in communities where there are large populations of Jewish, Hispanic , and Black Americans.

To me, the pandemic that holds our nation in its grip is not merely the Coronavirus. I see the pandemic of this virus in the USA as yet another layer to the list of " illnesses" that have struck society within the last few years.

As an American Christian with proud Ashkenazi roots, I'd never thought I'd worry about the safety of my sister and fellow Pensacolians who are Jewish on each Shabbat .   Until recently, I'd not given much thought that my very Celtic looks { from my father's DNA}  allow me for a level of safety that my Mom and her kin do not enjoy.

It seems like The New Normal is fear, and fear does not sit well with me. As someone who is a " feeler , a textbook INFJ , I pick up on the general temperature of the people around me. Daily I do my best to follow the advice of a wise person , and "Observe, don't absorb. "  I acknowledge what I sense, and then gently put it aside if there is nothing I can do to solve the problem.  Since the outbreak of the COVID 19 virus in the USA, I've discovered that I need more time alone { well, after all, I AM introverted } to quietly acknowledge and then put aside the anxiety I feel regarding that which I cannot directly control.

It is damn hard to do this daily, and I find that walks in Nature help me add more balance to my inner life. We are blessed to live in one of the prettiest places on Earth and now that the days are longer I am outside more.

These are tough times, but I must remember that I am part of a species that is resilient. Nevertheless, persist. Be safe, but persist. Stay resilient , the world needs more Light. #AdviceToMyself



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