Friday, March 20, 2020

What LOVE Looks Like Right Now...

                                          { Photo Credit not mine...}

LOVE, the agape love that we have for other people, takes many forms.

In this age of deadly viruses, LOVE looks empty. Love looks like empty restaurants, coffee shops bars, movie theatre concert halls, sports arenas, and houses of worship.

I do miss sports events on TV. Brian and I have tickets to see _Celtic Woman_ at the theatre downtown in April that now is on hold until 2021. We do not eat at restaurants often, but I miss the option of doing so if we want to celebrate one of life's little victories. My cousin is due for a Florida visit in two weeks--- and there is  real possibility that a shutdown in the State of Pennsylvania might keep her home. Authorities are closing our area Gulf-side beaches -- due to Coronavirus & the unwillingness of the Spring Break crowd to practice safe physical distancing.

Frankly, I am angry and sad. While I know that these restrictions are necessary, it is amazing to see how much of my ' boring' life I took for granted.

I will never take for granted the power of  simple handshake or a big hug.  Until it was outlawed, I never realized how much I communicate with others via touch. The Coronavirus threat keeps me from greeting even my parents with a hug.

I've never been a fan of college ' Spring beak' { to me it is a foolish waste of time & money}. and recently I learned of the closure of all the public beaches in Escambia County, Florida { where I live}  I am saddened, but not surprised at this news. Since the Spring Break crowd refuses to heed the new beach rules, I understand why the county commission voted to take action as they did to keep people safe. I understand, but I hate that the sanctuary of a Gulf-side beach is taken from me.

Thankfully, Brian and I know of some waterfront areas that are not known to tourists. 

For me, the  saddest & most profound image of Love During the Time of Coronavirus is the image of the empty nave of my home church. I feel sad because "church" for me is much more than meeting for worship on Sundays { although weekly worship IS important. } the image of Love as An Empty Church strikes me because " church" is the COMMUNITY who meet there.  It hurts me to be away from these whom I love--- but I know that physical { not social} distancing in required to fight the spread of the virus.

. I know all these restrictions and closings are necessary to fight the spread of this virus, but honestly I am struggling to find where faith in a Loving Creator fits into Coronavirus Life.

I hope you have more peace than I find right now...because right now LOVE looks damn lonely.


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