Tuesday, March 24, 2020

How #CoronavirusLife has changed me

Greetings to everyone!  I hope everyone is safe and staying sane during this outbreak. Much has changed and I find myself especially  missing my parish family during this outbreak. To be honest, it has been a challenge for me to wake every day and face this temporary " new normal" Brian and I are blessed with food shelter  and means in which we can keep in contact with our loved ones during this time of physical distancing. 

Brian and I spend a lot of time walking outdoors {we are staying away from people} I've re-discovered the Nature Trail at The University Of West Florida, and we make use of this beautiful walking trail often. Since the public beaches are closed, Brian and I are getting creative with finding ways to get the much-needed fresh air and sunshine. Prince Harry, our hound dog, enjoys the added early evening walk every day. 

Additionally, I've started posting a Facebook LIVE video each morning . I've discovered that this method helps me feel connected to people I love  I am really grateful for the opportunities online for worship & spiritual formation. Although I miss receiving Communion, knowing that both of our priests are at the altar consecrating the Body and Blood of Christ redefines " spiritual food for me. 

I miss everyone terribly, but I know that God has us all in God's hands and we'll see each other when this is over. Until then, remember that " Love Travels" 


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