Monday, March 16, 2020

" Physical Distancing" as an act of radical LOVE

 Lately I have seen some comments online about people who are " pissed" that " the government isn't telling me what to do"  regarding Coronavirus. This angers me, as someone who is married to someone who is in that high-risk population { older, recently undergone cancer treatment} . I may be a healthy 40-something person, but I have a responsibility to my spouse and others I love to limit physical visits. 

It is necessary. Hospitals cannot support rises in patients who need breathing aides.  So, we follow the examples of our good leaders and stay at home . 

To be honest, my heart is saddened by all this required " physical distancing". { I prefer that term to the more-often-used term " social distancing" as we human can and should use technology to satisfy our innate social needs.   Right it is imperative to limit physical contact with others , especially people not know to us, but the Internet gives us many ways to socialize  Humans are social creatures, and we are blessed to live in a time where we CAN communicate virtually. 

Today Brian and I enjoyed a beach morning at a fairly empty slice of Florida's beautiful Gulf coast We arrived early, and left when the beach began to crowd around us. Brian and I are early beach-goers anyway, so we know that we can get a couple hours of sun and sand before we feel the need to withdraw from the public. 

A few surfers and people fishing were the only others humans on the beach with us. The water was COLD but clear and calm and we smelled the salt air as we walked down the beach. I felt the sun on my skin and the sand sink between my toes.   I even found some pretty sea shells. 

Brian and I are blessed that we live in a part of the world , and we are also grateful that both of us possess healthy lungs. Due to his recent cancer treatment, my spouse is still considered high-risk.  We have tickets to see _Celtic Woman_, and recently I learned that the show is postponed until next year.  Of course I am disappointed, but I understand the need to not host large gatherings of people right now. Additionally, the old theatre where the show was planned  is a large , older building with poor ventilation. 

Now is not the time for huge gatherings of people, and I do not understand how some people cannot see past the end of their nose on this issue. While I am a huge fan of individual rights-- there are times when it is necessary to give up some of our own liberties for the greater good. This is such a time: people's lives depend on everyone practicing some sort of " physical distancing".  Make use of the technology that is available for use.

As my Bishop said, we are all in this together, and we'll get through this outbreak with our communities intact. 

We shall continue to love each other, and Christians will continue to BE the Hands & Feet of God . Our work will just be different for the time being 

In the Name of the Holy Three,

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