Sunday, March 29, 2020

#CoronaVirusLife : Little Blessings

I'll get real right now.

I HATE this isolation that Coronavirus has forced humanity into. Especially as someone whose would had been really small during my younger years due to extreme shyness-- Coronavirus has me sometimes feeling like my world has shrunk.

The only other human whose in-person company I enjoy has been my spouse. As much as I love Brian---I don't want my world to shrink to just we two.

The newish technology is a God-send.  The times when I am scheduled to chat with my people via Zoom have become the most sacred times of my days.

One of the challenges of these days is for me to find at least one blessing-- no matter how small. This can be hard if I allow my mental/spiritual health to take a downward spiral-- so I am mindful of catching myself when the slipping occurs

Today on my morning walk I spied a bumblebee pollenating a purple flower.

Purple is my favorite color-- and Mom says that I've " taken to purple" since early childhood. Many people here consider these flowers weeds, but I love the bright purple hues that pop up  everywhere on my walking route. This morning I saw a bumblebee polinating one of the purple flowers. I stopped and gave quiet thanks for both purple flowers and bumblebees. 

Life with little in-person contact with other people has opened my eyes to the wonder and beauty that often is not noticed every day. 

Not long ago Brian and I were enjoying the waterfront at a nearly empty { empty of humans} waterfront park. Brian set up his fishing gear and my eye caught a Blue Heron  sunning itself  while looking for fish. I marveled at the beauty  of the long-legged bird as I quietly walked in the water to get closer. 

Birdsa nd bees do not worry about deadly viruses, nor are they displaced by mandatory physical distancing . They just wake up each day and live their lives in the moment.  Perhaps that is the take-away lesson from each Little Blessing that Nature bestows upon me.



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