Friday, March 13, 2020

A Walk In The Woods

 Brian and I walks the Edward Ball Nature Trail this morning on the campus of my alma mater, The University Of West Florida.  The HUGE campus, over four square miles in size, is home to a beautiful nature preserve that is used both by academia and the Pensacola-area public.  Since my Best Dude and I are trying to avoid crowded public places, a walk in the woods on the abandoned UWF campus was a nice way to spend the morning outside. 

I realize that some social isolation is necessary during these uncertain times. However, when the weather is pleasant I WILL NOT sequester myself indoors. The Pensacola area is blessed with many outdoor recreation places that are nearly empty on weekdays { especially weekday mornings} . Nature reminds me, especially during this pandemic, that I am, after all alive. 

Living under the threat of Coronavirus is like living in a Young Adult dystopian novel.  The enemy is deadly and unseen, and so far is unstoppable. To me, fear is all the more reason to find connection in Nature { while being extremely careful and thorough about washing hands}

Brian took this photo of me on the trail this morning. As usual, I am in my element when I can go outside. 

What scares me the most about this isolation that we are forced into due to this bug is that I'll lose a sense of myself.  I've only been " quarantines" once in my life and it was during and after my 21 day stay in Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh for two major spinal surgeries. { I was 12 years old} Since the two surgeries left me weak and medically fragile, I spent the entire summer between my sixth and seventh-grade year quarantined indoors. People could come visit me {a few at a time} but I could not go anywhere or participate fully in life . 

I'm grateful now that I am healthy enough for enjoying the outdoors near my home with my spouse. Brian and I also chuckled at this sign: 
Um, REALLY? People need a written reminder that alligators and snakes live in FLORIDA?!  Oy, vey. But then, these are probably the same individuals who believe that the Coronavirus is a hoax. ***Does a face palm***

Be safe , stay connected, and don't forget that we are all part of this beautiful Earth. I am glad I live in an area with so many green sanctuaries. 


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