Friday, March 27, 2020

The " Lentiest Lent" #CoronavirusLife

For many Christians, this is The Lentiest Lent that we have ever Lented"  If there is any meme out there that describes this Coronavirus pandemic journey for we Christians, it is that one. To keep ourselves and others safe we are forced into an Extreme Lent. Everything we know has been turned Upside Down. 

Nothing is the same in our world, and it is damn scary. As people , we are seeking out new ways to be human-- to satisfy that longing for meaningful connections with others while maintaining the physical distance necessary that will stop the spreading of this virus. 

People such as myself and my spouse seek out places in Nature that have not been closed by the authorities in order to keep people from gathering in big groups. In addition to worshipping in person with my community, I { along with everyone else} have been forced to stay away from the healing Gulf waters and salt air of local beaches. Brian and I have used our knowledge of our city and surrounding area to find low-population places that have unspoiled Nature. 

My cousin's long-anticipated visit to the Gulf Coast was also put on hold until later this summer.  Pennsylvania, where she lives, is shut down, Delta has canceled all flights from the airport there and my cousin lives with a person who is vulnerable . 

For sure, this is the most extreme Lenten season of my life-- and I do not always handle the  restrictions well. Since these bans started coming into place I find myself waffling between quiet, hope-full resignation and outburst of extreme anger/ sadness/ frustration. This is the first Lenten season in my life where I've questioned the existence { in my very wort moments} of The loving God of Abraham and Sarah. In my dark moments, I cannot figure out why God sent this plague { Coronavirus} to smite humans and force others into physical isolation from loved ones. Why would a God that created Nature for humans to enjoy send a virus that makes it necessary to stay away from Nature and its healing { mind body, and soul} properties? 

During this extreme Lent I've understood how people-- after facing some tragedy or trauma, decide that God does not exist. It pans me to say it: but I see how a person can decide that God's Way isn't real. 

In my darkest moments I look to what I know is from God. 

Sharing coffee in the morning with my spouse. 
Taking the dog on a walk around the neighborhood & stopping to listen to the birds sing. 
Seeing a pretty native North Florida plant and snapping a photo to send to my botanist friend for identification. 
Chats with friends from around the nation via Facebook 
Anticipating the joy of seeing loved one's faces when a few of us from church meet on Zoom for Compline & check-in. 

yes, we are in a long, dark Lent. But I have faith that we'll see a glorious Resurrection -- in God's own time. Knowledge that this draconian, Upside Down existence is temporary helps me remain centered and is the string that keeps me believing in a loving God. 

Easter is coming. 



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