Friday, February 28, 2020

Women Empowering Women #WILC20

I spent the day at my old university , listening to, and learning from women who are at the top of their fields right here in Pensacola. This is the second year that I've attended the Women In Leadership Conference , and this year's lineup of speakers were amazing. 

As women, I think it is essential that we avoid society's temptation to compete with each other . Rather, women should unite and empower each other.  As Dr Judy Bense, past president of The University Of West Florida and said  " Its still a man's world, but there is room for us. "


 As a generation-X woman, I understand that I benefit from the sacrifices of women who had ' boots on the ground' in the struggle for equality back in the 1960's.  In my four decades of life, I've never known a time when women were denied the right to vote. As a high school athlete, I enjoyed the benefits of Title 9, playing basketball and performing on the track and field team. Now I have the joy of seeing girls who desire to play football get chances to prove themselves on the gridiron. When I was growing up in the late 20th century, girls who played varsity football did not exist. 

Many of the speakers drove home the importance of finding mentors-- women { and sometimes men}  to whom we can look to emulate and from whom we can learn. I am blessed to have several women in my life to whom I look upwards and from whom I seek advice.  Additionally, I am sliding into the role of " wiser woman" for younger women and girls who are coming up in the next generation. 

Thanks to UWF , The College Of Business & the Executive Mentoring Program for hosting such a great day. 


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