Saturday, February 22, 2020

Our First Pensacola Mardi Gras

I know, it is hard to believe that we've lived in this city for almost three years & FINALLY attended our first Mardi Gras Celebration.  Although we'd attended { and even marched in} Mardi Gras events in our former town, we'd taken until today  to sample some of Pensacola's Carnival fun.

 To be honest, one of the BIG reasons I wanted to go this year was that my alma mater's football team was recognized for their Division 2 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ! Yup, The University Of West Florida is now on the national radar for their championship win in their football programs fourth year! Yup, when I was a student UWF did not have football.

Check it out :

Yup, it was great to see the entire UWF football team, their coaches, and cheerleaders { yeah , I suppose I must give cheerleaders credit when credit is due..... }  lead the parade.  Naturally I was appropritely "blinged' in my t-shirt, hat, buttons and beads! 

It was much more fund than both Brian and I had anticipated . The " throws{ things that people throw to the crowds at parades} for this parade far outdid the loot we picked up each year in Nowhere, FL. My nephew & niece will be pleasantly surprised with all the goodies I hauled home today.  However, I am keeping this throw that Brian caught for me: 

 I added some of the prettier beads to " bling" out the latest addition to my stuffed animal collection that sits on a shelf in my home office. 

The sun shone the entire time that we were downtown, I started the day wearing a sweatshirt , but soon removed the outer layer and felt comfortable in jeans and t-shirt 

 Since the spouse and I started out 2020 with two deaths and planning a funeral, it is nice to take time to appreciate what life offers us right her and right now.  If I've learned anything from the events of January, 2020 it is that LIFE IS TOO SHORT.  Be responsible, work hard, but remember that life also should be FUN. Don't take people in your life for granted-- and PLEASE tell people that you love them. 

Happy Mardi Gras, friends! 



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