Monday, February 24, 2020

As Lent 2020 Approaches...

 Tomorrow is Fat Tuesday, the day before liturgical Christians enter the season of Lent-- the forty days that are spent recalling our sins and making a resolve to live better.

Tomorrow evening I will enjoy pancakes , sausage, butter and other rich, sweet foods at church with my spouse and my parish family. On Wednesday morning { EARLY} Brian and I will go to church for Mass with Imposition of Ashes. Later that day, we'll join others from our parish in our monthly outreach to the hungry and homeless in our  city. The fact that the monthly date for serving Pensacola's most-needy falls on the first day of Lent, 2020 is not lost on me. I'm grateful for the opportunity to " live wet" while also " remembering that I am dust".

  Lent reminds me yearly that our Earthly life is finite-- eventually our bodies return to Earth. Whether or not a person believes in eternal life of human souls or not is immaterial-- everyone can observe Lent regardless of religious faith { or lack thereof}  For me, Lent is a chance to " do better"-- to try out practices that enrich my life on Earth.

  As Earth in the Northern Hemisphere looks with joyous anticipation towards the light of Spring, we humans can prepare our minds, bodies and souls for better things ahead.



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