Friday, October 30, 2020

#PrayingWithFrancis Day 8 : Understood & Understanding


                                            A heron in flight. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie

                                            "... To be UNDERSTOOD as to UNDERSTAND..."

I'll be frank with y'all, I do NOT understand how ANYONE can vote for Donald Trump this year.  

2016, okay-- many didn't like Hillary Clinton. Heck--- I don't like Hillary Clinton! But, when it comes to the choice of bad and worse--- it makes sense to vote for the bad one. I know that partisanship plays a lot on making choices , but several classic Republicans I know either DID NOT vote for DJT or ARE NOT voting for him again. 

Nearly four years later-- and really what has this President done ? Full disclosure: I am a Democrat. However, I am no so loyal to my party that I'd put partisanship over the needs of ALL Americans. If the current President ran as a Democrat in 2016-- I would have voted Republican. 

I am a Democrat-- and I wear that label with pride. But first, I am a Christian. Secondly, I am an American. As a follower of Christ, I seek to work towards bringing the nation, the state & the city closer to God's shalom. As a Christian, I hate partisan politics.  As a more moderate Democrat I htae some respect for the classic GOP's platform-- even if I do not agree . There are good & bad people of every political stripe. Politics, just like people, are complicated. 

But the one thing that baffles me this election cycle is Donald Trump.  I cannot understand why people still think he's such a good person and deserves a second term. Full disclosure again: I have never liked the man. I was CRUSHED when he won enough electoral votes to become President. As much as I sensed who he has proven himself to be, I did give him a fair chance. 

I tried to overlook his personal flaws. But his personal flaws bled into his style of " leading" from the bully pulpit. Time and time again, this man revealed his true nature to America-- yet some stand by him. He spreads his hatred of anyone not rich, White " christian' and straight. He has appointed a Supreme Court justice who works with people who wish to eradicate civil rights that Justice Ginsberg  spent her entire career securing. 

 Lies and ineptitude regarding the pandemic has costed hundreds of thousands of American lives. He ignores science and continues 

I DO understand my Black & Brown friends' fear of police brutality within their communities. 

I love and support people in my life who fear that their same-gender marriage might be invalidated. 

We uterus-owners unite against overturning Roe. 

  I do not understand Donald Trump's appeal. I cannot understand why people I love think he deserves a second term.  I have tried to understand party loyalty, but cannot go this far with someone such as Trump.

 As I've stated , I totally understand political partisanship. I'm a Democrat. 

But first I am a Christian. Second, I am an American. 

Trump supporters, I love you. I just don't understand your choice. 

God be with ya. 


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