Saturday, October 10, 2020

Courage to Be You in Storms of #Year2020


                                                              Quote by poet ee cummings

If there is one thing that I'm learning as Year 2020 remains to be the hideous year that it has been for most people, it is that I'm becoming who God intends for me to become. 

   We are facing a global Pandemic, two deaths in my family, a seriously ill Grandmother in Pennsylvania, storm threats, followed by an actual storm {for which no one in Pensacola was prepared}and the ugliest political season of my lifetime. 

  Honestly, on some days I wonder why I get out of bed and interact { online} with people.  This political season has caused me to defend all the values with which my Church and my family-of-origin installed in me.  I find myself defending the basic lessons that Jesus teaches in the Gospels to other people who ** also** claim to follow the Way of Love.  I'm discovering traits of beloved friends & family members tat grate against everything I stand for: and finding myself again and again on the defense. 

   Somehow, my faith calls me to interact with these people in LOVE.  the last thing I want to do is cause rifts in my extended family over political disagreements , but I'm continually shaking my head sadly and love them from afar as they { either knowingly or unknowingly} support and perpetuate a mindset that is antithetical to everything  OUR LORD Jesus teaches. 

  I've learned that any negative reactions I may show does me no good. Fighting verbal fire with more verbal fire { nd a a writer I am pretty good with words!} might temporarily ease my raw nerves, but does nothing to heal my soul. 

  Year 2020 has shown me that I'm much tougher , both mentally & spiritually, than I'd assumed. This year has also shown me { but necessity} that speaking up for my values--- followed by actions that reflect said values is the best way to witness to people with whom I vehemently disagree. 

  I'm becoming the full version of myself.  I'm learning to love myself, in all my imperfections, because God first loved me. I'm finding , and cultivating relationships with people with the same vision of shalom that I see. 

  I am understanding that carrying Christ's Light into a world that seems { at least for now} to remain content in wallowing in darkness is a thankless task. But it is my work--- and I am not alone in feeling called to justice work. 

  We are better together. Be YOU. Find others like you and me. Speak out in LOVE. Pray, then act. People like you and me are needed. Let your voice be heard. Show up. 



   Sarah McCarren

   10 Oct 2020.

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