Sunday, October 25, 2020

#PrayingWithFrancis Day 4 Doubt And Faith

Photo of my authentic " Worry Doll" , made in Guatemala She lives on my home altar, and reminds me to put my worries " in a God box" and leave them there. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

" ... where there is DOUBT, let me sow FAITH..."

Today's verse from the St Francis Peace Prayer is about two words that have been wrestling in my mind since this entire clustermug of a year { Deaths in the family, worldwide pandemic, election drama and stress} . How do we Christians maintain our faith in a year that seems to only seek to sow seeds of doubt in all our hearts? 

  The pandemic and the election drama that we see daily surely eats into the hearts of even the strongest souls. Over six months into Pandemic life and almost everyone I speak with is worn out over our one-dimensional " lives".

 At the beginning of this virus overtake, it was suggested that I { by nature a constant worrier} look at this tie of physical separation and isolation as a " deployment".  Well, months after that was suggested to me we still are living lives through or computer screens and other devices. On the rare times Brian and I do see people we love { and trust} in a social setting, masks are worn and touching is prohibited.  While I am grateful that we are able to worship among our people in the same physical space, the necessary no-touching rule must apply for everyone's safety.  

  I'll be honest, this as been a week full of more doubt than faith for me. The weather hasn't been good for kayaking, the political circus seems to just grow more messy and ugly daily, and people are still getting sick with this virus due to OTHER PEOPLE NOT MASKING.  Doubt creeps in because I realize that I cannot even hug my father  due to the COVID threat while Bubba and Bubbette  on Facebook mock me for " being controlled by a hoax by The Government.".  Doubt creeps in because I, and people I know, love and trust are doing EVERYTHING to slow the spread of the virus & others refuse to follow suit. 

  I've found that the simple practice of being present for Daily Offices on Facebook Live helps calm me nd re-center my soul on God.  Both of our clergy and some lay people have given of themselves twice each weekday to pause and say Daily Offices live on Facebook. As screen-weary s I am, this time gives a rhythm to my day and reminds me of our Creator.  Often, if it has been a bad day, I'll just listen to the familiar words of Evening Prayer being prayed  live by someone I love. Praying these old prayers  reminds me that we are held by a loving Creator Of The Universe.  I'm reminded by these sacred words that God has us all connected--- that the God of Israel who led Moses' out of slavery is the same God Who will release us from the bondages we face. 

  And the people of God said " Amen"


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