Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Contemplation "On the Bayou"

    The view from our truck as Brian and I arrived at the bayou for a kayaking trip. The loss of the Three-Mine Bridge has caused us to find alternate kayaking spots. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

 For the first time in weeks, I took my kayak, " good Trouble" out on the water. Since the storm has damaged the big bridge that connects Pensacola { where we live} to Gulf Breeze { Where we like to kayak} , we've been forced to seek other launching spots. Several people we know recommended Bayview Park , located not far from our house in town. The City park has , among other amenities, a boat ramp that is perfect for kayaks and paddleboards. 

  It was wonderful to get back on the water . I had not taken " Good Trouble" out since before the storm. We were away the week following ' Sally' and since we returned, the weather has not cooperated with my desire to kayak.  I am grateful for today's fairly clear schedule and favorable conditions for me to feel close to Creator God while gliding in a safe , protected body of salt water. 

Sun was up by the time we got there, but I did capture this shot of the sun reflecting on the calm, clear water. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

It is inexplicable how peace-full I feel when I am on the water. Kayaking is a solo sport, and I'm adept enough to really get into a groove where I can almost paddle  on autopilot. Of course one part of my brain is on deck for safety duty, but the majority of my brain relaxes enough so I can really enter a state of contemplation.  I've discovered that " contemplative prayer" only works for me if I am able to do some sort of movement: traditional contemplative prayer just makes my brain itch. My morning walks are the usual time that I find I can just " be" with Nature and its Creator. 
The breathing that I learned in yoga has helped me center my mind, body and spirit when I am on the water. As I paddle , I let my gaze wander where the Spirit leads me, and I've seen some incredible sights on the water when I'm relaxed enough to be fully present  with Nature. 

  A log that I saw on the opposite side of  the bayou from where I launched  Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

   As a total INFJ on the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory, I love being with people. Yet at the same time, too much socializing tends to drain my physical and spiritual energy. I love team sports, but I've discovered that I'm drawn to solo sports such as kayaking as I get further into middle age. Kayaking allows me for time with myself, Creator God, and some of God's non-human creatures. This morning, I witnessed mullet jumping, butterflies { two different varieties} and some pelicans. 

  It was good for my soul. In a year that has taken away so much from all of us, I am grateful for the simple pleasures that life offers. 


  Sarah McCarren
  13 Oct 2020. 

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