Friday, October 23, 2020

#PrayingWithFrancis : Masking: Sowing LOVE in this Hate-Filled Environment

Me at a shop in downtown Asheville, NC , wearing my mask. NC has some strict masking and distancing policies. Photo by Brian. 

              "...Where there is hatred, let me sow love..."

 Seven months into this world wide pandemic, and there are people who still refuse to cover their faces in public. I do not understand their resistance. After all, wearing a cloth face mask is the easiest and safest way that we can enjoy some semblance of " normal" right now.  

   For instance, Brian and I vacationed in Wester North Carolina last month. Per the state's mandates, masking was practiced { pretty much} universally . As a result of people practicing safety, Brian and I felt a level of freedom that we do not experience i our home state of Florida.  

   Honestly, I feel that people should WILLINGLY wear masks in public, but sadly our warped sense of " freedom" is causing this pandemic to linger. 

    Loving each other-- as GOD loves people--requires sacrifice. Wearing a simple paper or cloth face covering is an act of love. Many people I know DO willingly practice masking, but others still are not willing to practice radical love in a simple way by masking. 

   Caring for others by wearing a mask should not be a political talking point.  Sadly, the simple loving act of covering one's face in public is too much to ask of some people. I don't know who raised Unmaskers, but my parents raised my brother and me to put others' needs before our own desires.  As a result-- we don't NEED a government entity to tell us how to love others. We mask because we love enough to do our part to protect ourselves and others from catching a potentially deadly virus. 

    Sow LOVE in this time of mistrust & hatred. Wear a mask. 




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