Saturday, October 24, 2020

#PrayingWithFrancis Day 3 Injury & Pardon

Chapel of St Francis. Kanuga Conference Center. Hendersonville, NC. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie 

Today's meditation is on the words: 

      "... where there is INJURY, let there be PARDON..."

These words take me back to the Scripture lesson from a few weeks ago, when Jesus tells us that we must forgive someone who has hurt us 70 times 7.  This parable, found in the Gospel of Matthew, is a reminder to us how essential forgiveness is: both for the health of our souls  ** and** for our emotional health. 

   As a person who was severely bullied in school { by girls--- boys just ignored me}, I have experience with forgiveness. It is damn hard.  After all, certain students in my middle and high school years made  the tsk of waking us & attending school each day a huge effort.  Bullying did not affect me just once or twice, it was a daily injury to my mind and soul. 

   I remember one girl, with whom I'd grown up, who was what kids today call a " frememy". She was really popular and also was a school athlete with me. Additionally, our mothers { who were also neighbors, she lived down the lane from me} were also friendly.  I never knew on a daily basis where I stood wit this girl--- was I accepted as an equal member of the High School Athlete Caste or will she lead others in humiliating " shy little Sarah"? 

  This girl made practices & away games/meets miserable. To be honest, I am grateful for the Walkman music player that I carried with me in my sports bag ; slipping on the headphones became my escape during long track meets and bus trips to other schools. 

  It took me over 20 years , but I finally DID forgive this person for her behavior towards an adolescent Sarah. I harbor no hatred towards this person, or any of the other students who tormented me in high school. 

   To pardon injuries that others-- ESPECIALLY other Christians-- is essential to our spiritual walk. Perhaps Jesus tells Peter { and us} that forgiveness is an ongoing process... that it is okay to be wary of those who hurt us. Pardoning someone's offenses does not require granting access into your life again.  God granted us with discernment--- and while reconciliation is ideal--- sometimes it is better to love a pardoned one from afar.  Each case is separate. 





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