Thursday, October 29, 2020

#PrayingWithFrancis Day 7 { Skipped a day} Console


                                               Rosary beads. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie

    "O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console..."

       As we inch closer and closer to the General Election 2020, my heart is heavy. Brian and I took advantage of early Florida voting and did our civic duty. But to be honest, I am scared.  I am scared for the vulnerable people in this great nation. As I see more and more of what I was raised to espouse be tossed out  by some people who want to Make America White Again. 

   I'm scared for my Black and Brown friends who could see more of their own become victims of police brutality & racial profiling. 

   While my marriage, as a cisgender woman married to a cisgender man, is protected, many people I love stand a chance of having their legal marriages invalidated. 

   As a person born with a uterus, I DO NOT think that anyone--- ESPECIALLY OLD MEN, should tell me or any uterus-owner what to do with our bodies.  

   I am a Christian, but am frightened of the branch of the faith that sustains me that seems to have taken over the Supreme Court. 

   My rights--- and the rights of people I love-- are up for grabs. 

   Its unthinkable what could happen in the future--- even my five-year old niece could lose her right to play varsity sports -- a right that was not too long ago unattainable for girls & women.

  I'm scared. Furthermore, I am angry that the society in which I was raised has devolved into where human rights are pawns in a political game. 

  The following Scripture passage appeared on my church's Facebook page: 

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you. For I am the Lord you God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.”
~ Isaiah 43:1-3

Frankly, I feel the " waters" rising as tis election comes closer. I want to believe that God is in this, but I see nothing in many of my human siblings that is evidence of God. I cannot imagine a God that would deny God's own people basic human rights. Everyone deserves to live, to love whom they choose { if all parties are adults} . God understands that we womb-bearers are fully capable of making tough choices for our own health. God made all God's people in beautiful hues, and I cannot imagine a God Who " favors " we White people over all other skin tones.
The " fire" that has been this political season has not yet consumed me. But in the interest of full disclosure, I've come way too close lately to being burned alive . I navigate the rough " waters " of Pandemic Life -- not knowing when I'll get to hug my father again or enjoy seeing the smiles of people at church.

If I learned anything during this time-- it is to live fully into the person whom God created . No more, and no less. Most people have had to let expectations go during this pandemic, but I'm finding that letting certain people go has been hard but necessary work. I have not been to Pittsburgh in over two years-- and I'm doubting if I even should try to return next summer. Spending a week in the beautiful North Carolina mountains is probably more soul-filling than doing my best to shut up and nod in the presence of family members who clearly do not share my values.

God is with us.... and God understands why we feel so disoriented at this moment in history. People disappoint-- God is steadfast. That is my consolation.





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