Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Aides to Prayer

                                              Bayou Sunrise. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie

One of the reasons why kayaking is so cathartic for me is that I feel so much more " alive" while gliding on the water than I do at home, living this Pandemic Life and keeping my thoughts from falling down rabbit holes of depression.  On the water it is easy to temporarily forget what a cruel mess of a world we are in right now.  In addition to the seemingly endless pandemic that keeps people physically apart, we have the ugliest sociopolitical fights being fought in the nations' capital, our state and even our own city. 

For my own mental health, I limit my exposure to " news" media-- Brian and I have not watched a full newscast in months due to the triple whammy of a horribly heated political scene , storms and fires everywhere & of course this pandemic. 

Honestly, these past few months are affecting even some of the strongest individuals I know.  No one could have known how long this pandemic would continue, nor how truly disgusting { on both sides} this political season would become. 

 Both sides have not displayed America at her best self. Even locally, there have been ugly barbs thrown among and between people vying for local elected positions. 

I pray, then I act. 

Last week Brian and I turned in our ballots to the County Supervisor Of Elections, marking our ballots as the Spirit led us. We made sure { to the best of our ability} that our voices will be heard. 

Lately I've been using some additional items for my prayer time at home. When we were in Western North Carolina, I bought both a Mayan " Worry Doll" and a Cherokee prayer bowl. Now before anyone { however well- intentioned} accuses me of " cultural appropriation" please know that I have nothing but awe and respect for the traditions of our First Nations neighbors.  

                                        My Worry Doll, "Susana" has earned some overtime since she came home  to live with Brian and me. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

Since I spent some time as a child in the highlands of Western North Carolina, I am especially fond of the spirituality of the Cherokee people. At this same shop, I purchased a Cherokee Prayer Bowl , thrown by a Cherokee artisan. 


My Prayer Bowl, elevated on a piece of Northwest Florida cedarwood, holding all my intentions in the form of sacred herbs. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

I'm grateful that , in these scary and divisive times, that my home altar is a sanctuary for me that is represented by items from other cultures-- items that is use as they are intended for use. God The Creator of the Universe , in spire of what some Christian preachers tell their people, is big enough for all. 


Sarah McCarren

14 October 2020

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