Friday, June 26, 2020

Thank you City Council #FloridaBeCrazy

The Pensacola Hippie, masked for YOUR safety, at the beach. Photo by Brian. 

Starting THIS HOUR, all people who are in public venues within the City Limits of Pensacola MUST wear masks.  

I am DELIGHTED that the local authorities are finally showing some chutzpah and making sound choices for City residents & other who refuse to govern themselves and wear the masks! 

yesterday, I wanted to hide my head in the sand when the cameras caught some irate { and possibly mentally-ill Unmaskers yell at the County Commissioners regarding wearing masks.  One woman actually said that she won't wear masks  for the same reason why she won't wear underwear because 'Things gotta breathe..." 

Ummm, that is way too much information to disclose. I'm grateful that I'd seen that when I was not eating anything..... that visual is just gross. 
You out-of-state readers will ask " Are these people for real, or are they just figments of Sarah's wild imagination?"

Sadly even I cannot make up some of what occurs in my state of Florida. These people-- including Ms Cool Pants, are real. Furthermore, they have the right to vote in Florida.  While I am a big supporter of the right to free speech I often wonder at the sanity of the sort of people who come to public meetings{ which are always recorded} who are willing to say anything to protect their so-called " freedoms". 

 For instance, Ms Cool Pants ' weird choice to go commando each day is a choice that { hopefully} only affects her. No one else's rights are being violated by her choice to do without panties.  But her " freedom" to go mask less infringes on the rights of people to be healthy. Regardless of what the conspiracy theorists say, COVID19 is real. 

But in Florida, people will fight tooth-and-nail before donning a simple cotton face covering. 
Bitmoji face palm. Created for me by Ariana. 

One of the others who testified against mandatory mask  wearing in Palm Beach County kept pointing at an American flag, saying again & again " See that flag. I'd DIE for that flag? Would you die for that flag? "

Oy vey. 

Firstly, the open hearing had nothing to do with the American flag.  I fail to see any connection between this guy's flag devotion & wearing a cloth face mask. heck-- I am sure he could buy a flag-patterned face mask { which by the way, totally violates the Flag Code but " Patriots" such as this guy don't know or don't care... after all, they have " freedoms" that they need to protect. 

Dude, wrap the Flag around your face if that's what you feel you should do. I don't care--- just cover your face in public. 

Anyhow, I am glad that my City's mayor & Council are taking steps to keep us safe { at least within Pensacola's city limits} but I really did not need the added stress of hearing what the local ' Freedom Fighters' said about this rule. Interestingly enough, my Facebook feed has been quiet from the few local ' Freedom Fighters' I keep around. 

Hmmmm.  Anyone there? ** crickets**

Florida is crazy, y'all. 

I am not a fan of Big Government at all. But when people  refuse to keep others { and themselves safe during a pandemic, I am in full support of involvement by the local authorities. I've given up { some willingly-- others not so willingly} certain things in order to keep myself & those I love safe . 

~ I no longer go to my gym. 

~Brian trims my hair

~My annual trip-- for the second consecutive year-- was cancelled. I cannot and will not chance making others sick by getting in one of those flying petri dishes we call airplanes. The choice was mine. 

~ Online church This is one with which  I admit I struggle, because worship to me is bout getting together with loved ones for prayer and Communion. It is seeing twinkling eyes of others in my spiritual community who have also been masking . It is participating in Communion fully {in one kind-- bread only} and looking into the eyes of my priest as she distributes the elements using the new protocol.  Some parts of worship just cannot  be duplicated in two dimensions. Again, it is because I love my church community that I agree with returning to online-only worship for a couple weeks. 

~Outdoor concerts & singing in public in general. 

Note to self: do not read the comment section of any media outlet concerning this matter. 

Be safe! 


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