Wednesday, July 1, 2020

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished In Florida

Paradise can be a haven for germs. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie

Yesterday was NOT a good day for me. In addition to finding out that my almost 90-year-old Grandmother isn't doing well at all--I had to deal with the drama from the Unmaskers. 

Milton, a city in the next county over, rescinded their mask-wearing mandate in reaction to some bellyaching by locals. Then, due to some of the same bellyaching over here in Pensacola, the City Council had a call-in meeting to listen to residents' concerns" over wearing masks. While I don't think the meeting was quite the circus as was the Palm Beach County Commission meeting, I know Northwest Florida well enough to be sure that there was a bit of a rumble from Unmaskers. 

But in the end, City Council voted to do the right thing for ALL of Pensacola. 

Thank you! 

Unmaskers really get on my nerves. Since this pandemic started, Brian and I-- along with people we know and love-- have given up so much to stop the spread of Covid.  Frankly, I am tired of living in a touch-free bubble -- especially when this could have been contained had people WORN THEIR MASKS and stayed away from forming large groups. 

Maybe you are content with living life online, but I am not.  Due to the continued spread from NOT masking, I still cannot hug my FATHER-- let alone anyone else in my circle. Physical touch is one of my " love languages" & I've gone without so that we all may stay safe. 

Our Governor re-opened the state and people did not self-regulate. As a result, we are stuck living in a Covid Bubble for more weeks. 

Unmaskers-- I resent the hell out of you. I don't know who raised you-- but I was taught that " freedom" comes with responsibility towards other humans. Some of y'all had not been told " no" as a child nd it carries on into your life-- affecting MY life. I play by the rules of decency-- so why can't you? I wear masks in public to protect YOUR loved ones, so why can you not return the favor?  Why can you not feel "bothered" to cover your face in public---knowing full well that COVID carriers can be asymptomatic. 

Again, who raised you?

Mask-wearing= FREEDOM for all.

 I am grateful that, even after the criticism, that my City Council voted to stand up for all of Pensacola's citizens, but especially her more vulnerable citizens, such as my husband. 

I cannot afford to bring home COVID to Brian, so I limit my social contact accordingly. During the Black Lives Matter protests, there was nothing more I wanted than to join the BLM movement in town. But knowing that I could pick up the virus from a large crowd, kept me home. My love for someone else dictates that I do what is best for them and STAY HOME.  As much as I wanted to be out there every night-- I stayed in and protested online. 

Unmasking= FreeDUMB. 

I'm not sure, but Unmasksers are probably the same people who think that requiring bike helmets is " taking away my freedom" . I hate to tell you, but if you are flat on your back in a hospital bed-- there is no freedom there. 
As a spinal fusion surgery patient, I know how much freedom I lost for the 21days that I was a patient at Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh Scoliosis treatment --although not from any poor choices on my part-- gave me an understanding of what some car and bike accident victims face. Spinal surgery of any kind leaves a person weak, medically-fragile and totally dependent on other people. 

There is no freedom in catching COVID, either. 

I wear a mask because I don't want to catch the virus, However, I also wear a mask because I don't want to potentially infect anyone else. Existing flat on your back in a hospital bed sucks--- I don't want that for myself { again} or for anyone else. 

After months of dealing with Unmaskers, I feel like no good deed goes unpunished in Florida. 

Think about others...and then wear the mask. 


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