Saturday, July 18, 2020

Open Letter to That Internet Bully {we all have one}

So, you wanna debate Constitutional Law? 

Dear Internet Bully.... or should I call you " Troll"? 

No matter what I call you, I am writing this to let you know that you no longer live rent-free in my Internet space nor my head. 

You are Unfriended. I know that we are acquaintances in Real Life, and that our opinions are polar opposites. Normally I do not have problems with people who think differently than me: some people I care about very much are surely not liberal. I welcome ideas, and to prove it I let you continue to bully both me  and others on my page for too long.  While I do not wish to live in an echo chamber, I also will not let anyone be condescending to me on my social media. 

 I tried to ignore your snide, childish comments on my social media posts-- after all-- Mom always said the best way to defeat a bully is to ignore them. 

However, ignoring you only seemed to fuel your fire.  I am not going to waste time trying to ascertain what I did to make you so abusive to me online--- I've never tried to pick an Internet fight with you. { and believe me, I could have done worse to you than you did to me}  You fight from behind a screen with words, and -dear Bully-- words are what I do. If I chose, I could take down every weak opinion that you pontificated on my social media-- but that would be lowering myself to your level. 

Why not just tell me that you disagree with me without getting sarcastic, and starting arguments on my page with other people?  I made it clear from the beginning that I did not want to take your 'bait" , but you persisted. 

Today I decided that I am done with trying to play nicely. I clicked the " unfriend" button and away went your ability to get inside my head.  Life is short & I don't need anymore negative forces right now. 

I don't hate you--I do feel sorry for you. As a matter of fact, I wish you well in your endeavors.  However, I respect myself enough to no longer tolerate your verbal barbs directed at me via social media. 

Peace out and God Bless...


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