Tuesday, July 7, 2020

How Many More?

Angry Bitmoji of me, made by my best & longest friend, Ariana. 

I'm tired.  

I'm angry. 

How many more? 

Tired of wiping down every surface I touch in stores, public bathrooms, parks, and other public places. 

I'm tired of going to bed each night knowing that state & federal officials refuse to step up and help stop this virus' spread. 

I'm tired of  worshipping online because people are afraid to gather together . In -person church & parish activities are some of the biggest joys in my life, and COVID has robbed many of us of those opportunities to be together for worship, study and service 

I'm tired of staying in Pensacola for yet another summer because travel on airplanes is too dangerous & Pittsburgh is too far to drive for a week's vacation. My Grandmother turns 90 years old in two weeks: I was supposed to be in Pittsburgh for her HUGE party. 

I'm tired of not being able to hug anyone but my spouse. As much as I love Brian: Touch is one of my " love languages" and to be denied it for so long is wearing on me. I can't even hug my own parents. This is not natural for me and I am tired off pretending that it IS natural. 

Regarding wearing masks: I am tired of people who refuse to just do it. No matter what anyone might think of me, I am NOT a fan of " big government" . But since people in Florida and other states have proven themselves incapable of doing what is right for everyone, I know it is necessary for mask mandates. I am tired of people calling me names on social media, and telling me that I have " control issues" because I want this virus to slow down . 

I'm tired of seeing cases climb in Florida , especially in my own county.  People I know and love are doing our parts to keep each other safe, but there are still some people who believe that :

A: This virus in a " hoax". 
B. That their selfish  need to exert their " freedoms" outweighs the need to be a decent person and wear a mask. Listen to the science, please! 

THIS IS  NOT A CONSPIRACY  . It angers me to see that some people still choose to believe that this is something cooked up by  radicals. People are dying and others are weary of this life that the virus forces us to lead. 

How many more must die before people WAKE UP ? 

How many more? 


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