Tuesday, July 28, 2020

How can WE " Carry Christ" in this time of pandemic?

My Happy Place during this stay-at-home summer... Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

This past weekend the Church Universal celebrated the Feast of St Christopher, the saint for whom my parish is named. As part of our observance, the legend surrounding this saint was told in our virtual Children's Formation. 

Look it up online. 

Anyway, at the end of the story, the storyteller asked " How can WE be " Christophers" -- carry Christ here and now?
How can we carry Him-- while remaining physically distant from one another? This time has been a challenge for those of us who do our best to live out our Baptismal Promise by becoming vessels which carry Christ into our communities.  The safety measures in this age of COVID have forced many of us to suspend indefinitely ministries that are near to our hearts. Health regulations have many of us stuck at home, and agencies that serve our most vulnerable citizens, such a feeding programs for children & homeless people cannot operate safely. 

This is unfortunate, but right now saving lives and getting the number of new COVID cases down is of upmost importance. 

So, how CAN we carry Christ's message of hope healing and hospitality to others. 

First of all: we can " Check in" with those in our midst who live alone. This pandemic has people who live lone but who are usually engaged in their community isolated. 

Those of us who are child-free can offer to virtually tutor the children whose parents lament that their child struggles with reading , writing or math { Just don't ask me to tutor in math--- I'm dyscalculic }

Offer to pick up groceries for a neighbor who is housebound due to the threat of the pandemic. 

Cook a meal, or bake a treat for someone and leave it on their doorstep. 

This is not an easy time for anyone--- and the more we can do to bring the Light of Christ to others -- the more " fully alive" we can be. COVID can not and shall not take away our mission: To be vessels that carry Christ into our world. 



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