Saturday, July 4, 2020

4 July Thoughts

Me prepping to paddle on the Lake with a lifelong friend. 2012 

Today is the day that we Americans recognize our independence from England. While I am grateful to be an American, and appreciate the freedoms I've enjoyed as a White person, today has me reflecting on what it means to be " free". 

I'm concerned that the recent heavy increase of the COVID19 virus is partly the fault of people who misconstrue the " freedom" that we enjoy as Americans. I'm grateful t see some local and state governments step up and put in place precautionary measures that ensure that all people within the state { or in our case, City} are free from catching a deadly virus--- and free from passing that virus to others. 

We do have freedom to make choices, but during times of crisis--- sometimes choices must be made on our behalf to protect everyone So, wear the darn mask! 

I wear one for you. Please wear one for me. 

Today I am also thinking about our Black & Brown neighbors, as well as the First Nations people. How , as a White American, today has a different meaning for me than it doe for Black & indigenous people. I'm aware that today marks our nation's break from the English throne-- and that break was necessary!  At the same time, I'm mindful that the ancestors of Black people were still enslaved. 

Don't misunderstand me, I am NOT saying that history needs to be erased. Rather, I suggest that what we are taught about our nations founding and growth include the stories of Black and Indigenous persons . 

I do love this nation, and because of my love for her, I want her to be her best. It is because I love my nation that I want the stories  of ALL her people to be told. There is room for everyone in the narrative, and we White people just need to move over and make room for additions to our national story. 

Perhaps the best way that we can honor our great nation is to 
1. Put on the face masks to protect everyone's freedom. 
2. Put aside our White privilege nd make room for the stories of other Americans -- those who don't look or pray like us. 

May we ALL work together to make our beloved nation truly great! 
In the Name of the Holy Three-in-One....


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