Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Zoom Weariness: Part Two: Educational Forums

Pre-COVID Life. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie

Y'all I am so darn weary of ZOOM. This evening I've a wonderful educational forum on Pensacola's racism in history that I really want to attend. It is at 7 PM CST, and hopefully will only last an hour.  At 8, I've my usual Compline Zoom group. 

I am so tired of ZOOM and FB live. 

While I do look forward to praying  & checking in with church folx, the last ZOOM educational meeting I attended left me wanting. While the speaker was excellent, , I found the format lacking. For one thing, participants could not see nor interact with each other. The only faces & voices we heard were the moderator { who also did an excellent job} and the guest speaker. I knew several of the participants in the conference & I could not even text them a " hi, how are you?"

This INFJ needs connection with others. 

I was a faceless square among other faceless squares. I felt lonely. 
At our Zoom Compline prayer meetings, we can all see & hear each other-- so that format doesn't feel quite as lonely. I told Brian today that I am craving my pre-Covid Wednesday schedule study, prayer & socializing with church folx. While there is a Bible study on ZOOM that is attended by some people, again, the format leaves me lacking. As someone with a short attention span, I struggle to keep " on -task" during Zoom presentations. 

Until this pandemic, I never realized how much of " feeler " I am--- I like being around people, though my true introversion requires time alone to rest and recharge. I need to see people in three dimensions--- even with physic distancing, mask-wearing & no touching. I feel like this pandemic life is one never-ending sci-fi movie where people slowly forget what its like to BE HUMAN. Maybe ZOOM is a format that works for most personalities, but it only lees me sad. I'm introverted, but I am NOT SHY. Maybe some shy people are fine with living a social life from behind a screen, but I am not. 

I hate it! While I am grateful for technology such as ZOOM, I hate the fact that this pandemic has turned us into creatures who stare at screens all day. 

This pandemic has made life hard for those like me, who LOVE being with our people. No matter what anyone says: ZOOM is but a poor substitute for in-person gatherings. 

Missing you all...

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