Wednesday, June 10, 2020

I Am So Over Zoom

Me, engaging all five senses at the beach. The COVID19-- even at Phase 1 reopening, still has me longing for normal human interactions.  Photo by The Pensacola Hippie

I have a confession. And in this weird COVID19 world, its a pretty bad one. 

I. Am . So. Much. Over. ZOOM { and Facebook LIVE }

During the lockdown , when digital socializing was all we had, I felt okay with two- dimensional interactions with people I love. Now that Florida is slowly opening up, Brian and I have been venturing out into the wider world. Our parish opened its doors for in person worship { spaced out, so sign up is required} two weeks ago and that filled my soul with joy. Yet today I am sad. It is Wednesday and today I felt bereft of my pre-COVID life--- Bible study & then a supper with my parish family-- followed by some sort of programming.  Our clergy are continuing to offer Dily Offices via Facebook Live & that time is sacred-- yet something is missing. 

Worshipping & socializing on screens is two dimensional -- and humans live life in three dimensions & using five senses-- not just sight and hearing.  Standing in the Gulf today reminded me that staying safe from COVID19 has come at a price....and continues to place limits on we humans. As I felt the cool water lap my ankles and sand spread between my toes I recall with sadness how long it has been since I've hugged anyone but my spouse. 

While I understand the " no touching" necessary mandates for now, I cannot help but wonder if more people are getting comfortable with two-dimensional interactions. It is not for me. 

Although I am an introvert-- COVID19 has taught me-- that spending time with people I love is essential to my well-being. s much as I love Brian--- I need to interact with others in order to feel " fully alive"

Our post-COVD19 world will be different. But my hope is that we , in this time of physical distancing and no touching each other, do not forget that we have five senses with which to experience this great world. 

ZOOM falls short because it only engages sight & sound. 


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