Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Pandemic Isolation+ Rain All Day= SAD

Sunrise over Weeks Bay at Beckwith. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie

It has been rainy, hot and humid for the last two days. Today we are expecting more of the same. 

As much as I know rain is needed, all day wetness--- especially for more than one day-- REALLY affects my mental and physical health. 

I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder--- dark days mess with my brain chemistry and is a catalyst for a bout with depression. It is hard to even do basic tasks such as fixing my hair. I am not sure of the percentage of people with mental illness find that their symptoms return stronger during dark days, but I know that the amount of daylight/ sunshine is a real factor in my overall mental health

Due to severe scoliosis, my back is full of titanium since I was 12 years of age.  Fronts that bring wet weather affect my back--- and any time I am in pain, my mood further deteriorates.  

One of the reasons I moved to Florida was to enjoy the health benefits of sunshine. Of course I know rain is needed, but it does not make life during a stretch of rainy days easier-- ESPECILLY during a pandemic. I feel really badly for my spouse-- since he is the only person who remains in my immediate orbit all day. 

Isolation+ rain+ dark= one grouchy, depressed Hippie. 

Stay well...


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