Friday, June 12, 2020


Graphic illustrating that LOVE IS LOVE-- regardless of the genders of the two adult, consenting people in a relationship. 

Today Facebook reminded me that it is the fourth anniversary of the mass murder of 49 LGBTQ+ people at a nightclub in Orlando.  This June, Pride is being observed in different ways due to the threat of COVID19, nd may cities & towns across the United States have either cancelled their public Pride events or postponed the celebration until later . 

In these uneasy times of racial tension brought on by the murder of George Floyd by a cop, it is extra  notable for me to remind myself that the LGBTQ+ community is still marginalized.  Furthermore , if a person is Black and LGBTQ+ , they have a higher risk of becoming a victim of violence. In fact, many of the patrons who died that night at Pulse were either Black or Brown. 

We need to remember the Pulse incident & work to change hearts and minds that are still so vehemently  against the rights of LGBTQ+ persons to live authentic lives. Perhaps today is a day to pause and light a candle for all those LGBTQ+ persons who, like many Black Americans, live in fear. 

If The United States truly is " the land of the free" , as we claim, than no citizen in any state should live in fear. 
Humans come in many skin hues. Love between humans comes in may varieties-- as does gender identity & expression. White, straight, and cis-gender people are not the only valid people.  Humanity, and love between humans, is both valid & beautiful. 

In Remembrance,

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