Saturday, June 6, 2020

#BLM Protesting from Home

Altar in our home, with the petition to God, the cry of all the people across this nation: #BLACKLIVESMATTER. Candle lit in solidarity with last night's protesters. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

For tow weeks, Pensacola citizens have been meeting at The Graffiti Bridge, peacefully protesting the murder-by-cop of George Floyd. These events have { so far} been without violent behavior-- and it seems like most people were mindful of the ever-present COVID19 threat. 

Last night a large group of people from my parish stood with our Black kin , serving the organizers free pizza from the back of  a van. Many brought their children. Both our clergy were in attendance . From what I saw and read this morning, the event was wonderful.

I had to stay home. Due to loving my spouse enough to want him to stay alive for many more years, I told the parish organizers that Brian and I will participate in the protest in the safety of our own home. s I've been an activist for years-- it was really tough on me to sit this one out-- especially when  crowd of good people whom I know & love were there. But to be honest-- big crowds still scare me. I'm okay going to small group gatherings outside with people I know and trust, and feel save attending Sunday Mass in-person at church. However, I am re-entering the rest of society very slowly-- and last night that meant saying prayers online at Compline with others , burning candles, and trying to remember that sometimes, staying home is an act of love. 

Its a price I have to pay to ensure that both Brian and I are safe. I'm only comfortable around people whom I know for sure  have been practicing mask-wearing- obsessive hand-washing, and no touching{ and I miss hugs  and handshakes horribly.....} We actually have two beach socials planned next week with people whom we know and trust & for these events I am thankful. 

As much as I wanted to be with my people at the protest last night-- I felt that staying in & away from thongs of people whom I DO NOT know was wise-- wise but sad nonetheless. Even though I get twitchy when too many people are in line at the grocery nd/or refuse to follow the prescribed physical-distancing traffic patterns in stores-- I am a social creature. 

As a matter of fact, since we moved to Pensacola almost three years ago-- I've become more of a social creature. While I do not miss the huge public events that were cancelled due to the threat, it is good for my soul to see my loved ones--- in person . Truth be told, I am so over Zooming, but that is another story for another time. 

Tomorrow we'll be at church together in person-- for the second time since this virus shut down life as we know it. I might not be able to hug nor exchange handshakes with my dear ones who attended the protest last night-- but I can use eye contact and a behind -the-mask big smile to tell them I am glad they witnessed for all of us-- joining our Black neighbors in a show of solidarity. 

I love St Christopher's Episcopal Church, and I love our city. The Way Of Love DOES led to working for justice--- be it from home or on the streets. 


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