Sunday, June 21, 2020

Hey Florida: Wear the **** Masks!

To LOVE is an ACTION verb, and right now , part of loving others is WEARING FACE MASKS IN PUBLIC. 

Y'all, I hate face masks. They fog my glasses if I am not careful, obstruct my sense of smell, and { the worst part for me} makes it hard to recognize the faces of people I love. Smiles say so much, and masks hide smiles. Yet masks also preserve life. 

It angers m to see so many people in Florida practicing their so-called " freedom" by not wearing face masks in public. 
These people either don't believe the fact surrounding this disease or they are so selfish that " Live Free or Die" is a slogan that they misconstrue at the expense of public health. 

I want the Governor of Florida to write an executive order making mask-wearing mandatory in public spaces. Normally I am not a fan of " big government" stepping in, but since Floridians re too concerned with their own  warped ide of " freedom" to think about the people around them calls for such a drastic action. 
Just in my four decades { plus 4 years} of life I've seen  situations where the Supreme Court had to step in because people { mostly White, straight, rich cis-gendered men} don't want to keep up with science and/or don't care to check potential policies against our Constitution

 I am grateful that our nation's framers had the sense to install the three branches of government-- because right now I don't carry much faith that either my state or federal legislative branches will pass laws to ensure public health during this pandemic. 

I hate the mask. But , I wear one every time I leave our home.  Wearing mace masks in public is necessary to keep myself and others safe from this pandemic. Research has shown that mask-wearing significantly cuts down on the spread of COVID19. 

I wear my mask because I love my sister & fellow humans enough to not inadvertently infect someone. As faithfully s I maintain the no touching mandate { and if I love you I'll wanna hug you and it sucks that I CAN'T  yet hug you...} Brian and I keep several cotton face masks with us at all times, in my purse and in our truck. 

We wear masks-- to protect ourselves and others. People whom we know and love are like us in that they do not need the State to tell them to take the right course of action. However, many in Florida are only concerned about their comfort & " freedom". 

Floridians, if you wear masks, thank you for setting that example for our citizens who still don't understand how masks will save lives. .

I'm jumping off of my soap box for now....


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