Friday, May 29, 2020

Answer: What have I gained for myself during this quarantine/physical separation season?

Me carrying my trusted trash-picker-upper thing nd wearing a mask on the beach last weekend. Photo by Brian L. Pensacola Beach, FL

The question posed to us at Noonday Prayer yesterday was this one: What have I gained for myself during this quarantine/physical separation season? As states slowly begin to open up public spaces again, we are very much still " on alert" regarding COVID19. It is still not entirely "safe" out there , so each family must decide for themselves when and to where  returning is safe. 

For instance, I will NOT use the local public swimming pool for AT LEAST another four weeks { maybe all summer-- depending on the numbers of cases }Additionally, I probably will not return to my gym until August or September--- I don't trust that other people are following the same safety guidelines as are Brian and me. 

So  what has this season of COVID19 physical separation taught me. 

First , it re-enforced the idea that church is not a building Church is her people, and while I am eternally grateful to St Christopher's Pensacola clergy and staff for making our online prayer & worship experiences wonderful-- NOTHING compares to seeing those PEOPLE you love. Even with masks, a ' no touching '  policy and maintaining safe social distance I'm so excited to worship in-person with my PEOPLE again. I'll never take for granted the opportunity to gather for worship ' in the flesh' again. I trust that my faith community has been closely following cleanliness, wearing masks, and appropriate space protocols. 

Another sacred aspect of my life that I'll never  take lightly again is the gift of going to the beach. Our churches closed their doors-- nd that was bad, but I really didn't find out how restricted I'd be until the Governor closed all of Florida's public beaches. To me, that felt like  part of my soul had been ripped from me-- as I am a beach-lover. My elemental sign is definitely water-- and even knowing that the beaches were closed for everyone's protection did not ease my sorrow or anxiety. 

I also learned that its okay to ask for medicinal { legal} help when dealing with anxiety caused by unnatural situations such as COVID19. My doctor prescribed Valium, which calmed me down enough to get through my day and re-awakened my Muse . Oddly enough, being slightly drugged over these months have made me a productive artist and nature photographer. 

Speaking of nature: since the beach was off-limits for so many weeks, Brian and I had to find other ways of outdoor rest and recreation. Thankfully, Pensacola and Gulf Breeze city parks remained open-- but with restrictions. We'd spent many mornings on the Bay side of Shoreline park in Gulf Breeze.  I'd become friendly with the family of osprey who nested top  utility pole,  , spent some time under the shade of a great oak tree. 

Now that the beaches are open, Brian and I only visit in the morning hours and we wear masks. I know many people feel safe enough in outdoor public spaces to be mask-free, but we do not.  As more people show up we leave-- usually around 10 in the morning. I've discovered that an added perk of wearing masks to the beaches & parks is that my cheeks, nose and facial skin is protected from sunburn! 

Oddly enough I've discovered that " time away" from people has brought me closer to The Divine . I met Earth-Maker and got to know one of Three-In-One's servants from pre-Christian Ireland via the stories & symbols of St Brigid of Kildare { Ireland} I recall how my childhood was spent in the ancient Northern Appalachian mountains-- with the creek and woodlands within walking distance of my house.  It has been a blessing for me to brig that child's wonder of a Creator Who created all that is-- including me-- with a more mature faith of an adult. Getting re-connected with Nature helps me understand myself more--- why I've always been drawn to Nature and that all of Nature is Incarnate-- in the flesh. 

Come Holy Spirit, indeed.....
Feast Of Pentecost 2020

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