Tuesday, May 12, 2020

#ThisIs44 Day 2: Waiting for, and Finding " My Person"

Sarah & Brian's wedding photo. November 28 2015 . St Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church, Gulf Breeze, FL.  And yes, the bride wore purple, as I'd always claimed I would do for my wedding. Photo by Ann Woll. 

Brian and I got married when I was 38 years old. By that time most of my high school classmates were parents of teenagers-- either married to their original spouse, divorced, or married to a second spouse. 

At the age of 30 I had given up the chance of ever meeting my soulmate -- or if I'd marry them.  I'd spent most of my 20's undoing all the damage from my high school and first attempt at college. As a shy teen, I never acted upon any of my crushes . Additionally, I've known of my intelligence for most of my life & discovered from my teen years on that many people are terrified of intelligent women. I did not know how to " play the dating game" as my Mom constantly advised me to do-- I am a terrible actress and cannot ' play a role' if it would save my life. 

When I moved to Florida I made a few poor choices regarding my social life-- but deep down I knew the person who would share my life had to be my best friend . In retrospect, I really cannot say that I LIKED anyone I'd dated-- and really how can anyone love someone whom they do not like? 

Brian is my best friend. I love him, because I really like him.  We've been together for 11 years, and married for 4.5 years. Our marriage , in the short time we've been spouses ,has survived job changes that led to his retirement, a move to Pensacola and new-to-us territory, neck surgery, { me}a bad case of influenza { me} , prostate cancer { him, obviously}  two death is in the family { his siblings }and now a pandemic. 

Whew.  2019 and 2020 had/have not been kind to us. 

Honestly if I'd been stuck with anyone else I've dated--- I'd have given up by now. Marriage is hard work, but when a person is married to their soulmate, this is joy-full work. I waited for my soulmate, and knew I would not settle for anyone less than my best friend  My parents' own marriage is 49 years old and still going strong, and it is because they are each other's " person". Both my brother and I are blessed to have such a model for marriage--and for this I am thankful. 

I also, again in retrospect, give thanks to God that I DID NOT MARRY ANYONE before I met Brian.  When I was going through my second and third decade and the wedding { and BABY SHOWERS-- UGH}  started coming in I'd toss the envelope aside and wonder what made me so unappealing. It hurt a hellova lot. 

Yet, The Earth-maker had a plan for me. When I was sufficiently mature enough to handle a lifetime partnership, Brian came into my life. He is worth every bitter Valentine's Day , every single lonely wedding attendance, and all the prying questions and " knowing " looks that some of my relatives gave me when I made my yearly trip to Pittsburgh. 

Brian, " I love you a bushel and a pack and a hug around the neck" and you are forever my person. These last 11 years have been amazing and I look forward to many more adventures with my best friend. 


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