Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Lament of Our Earth--- the Island Home

Pensacola Beach , Morning. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie

O Creator of the Universe, Sovereign One,
Why must humans  destroy our planet in a myriad of ways, including littering our beautiful shorelines with plastic trash, food packaging, and used paper products. How can humans believe ourselves to not act as good stewards of what You have graciously given us -- insisted we pollute and rob Earth of Her natural resources. We are a greedy species, only thinking of ourselves-- forgetting that we share this home with other plants and animals. 

Creator, I know I have met You face-to-face many times as I spend time with Nature. I see evidence of You in the majestic oak trees, shimmering white sand, and blue-green glory of the Gulf of Mexico. I have met You in the ancient rocks of the Appalachian range where I grew up. 

Sovereign One, please open up the hearts of more people concerning Earth's plight. Give them eyes to see, noses to smell, ears to hear, and open harts with which to act. 

Loving Creator, continue to show me ways that I can be an Earth-Healer. Remind me to not grumble as I do my part to keep beaches clean near my own home. Remind me of my proud Celtic heritage , a heritage that has long revered Your Earth. 

Earth-Maker, Pain-bearer , and Life Sustainer, to You I give glory each and every day I am able to sit on the Gulf shores and bask in Your Handiwork. 

In the Name of the Holy Three...


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