Friday, May 15, 2020

#ThisIs44 Day 5 : Making Tough Choices and Remote Soul Friends

Every damn day.... the same day. I'm not meant to be a monastic. But here we are...

Today is a Friday. It is the 15th of May and the only reason I can remember today' s date is that it is the birthday of my Mom, Barbara { HAPPY BIRTHDAY} and to a wonderful anam cara  { soul friend} the Reverend Alla Renee Bozarth, Ph.D. To stay out of trouble with both of them, I'll NOT reveal their year of birth . 

Happy birthday , ladies

My mom I of course my mom and I love her. She's a good person who has raised two children well. She loves her grandchildren. 

 But today I want to give thanks for the life & witness of Alla Bozarth, priest, poet, contemplative soul friend. She and I got to know each other when I contacted her telling her how much her book Womanpriest inspired me. Alla hs other books of poetry and prose, go to her web site

Through our co-respondence , Alla and I discovered that in spite of the age difference { I'm an ' old soul' in many ways} and miles between us we share similar life paths.  Alla's story is not mine to tell, but both of us understand what it s like to have bodies that occasionally betray us, and to have young, active minds that are stuck in day-long waves of pain. Both she and I say " Purple is my color" and have a deep reverence for Nature She lives in Oregon and has posted some of the most breathtaking scenery of Mount Hood & the surrounding woods. 

However, I also made a hard choice today. I've decided that it is not safe for me to get on airplanes in order to go up North this summer. My heart breaks over this  but I cannot afford to bring home COVID19 or some other weird contagion to Brian.  I waited three decades for my soulmate, and I will do everything I can to keep him healthy. 

Additionally, the required two-week quarantine of anyone who has traveled out-of-state will further deteriorate my mental . Physical distancing is hard enough for me, I'd not survive a real quarantine. 

As the nation slowly opens up, I still need to be careful. Brian and I will NOT go to Palafox Market, any sporting events, or any  entertainment venues where a large crowd may gather. We'll continue to wear masks during our beach visits & only go during weekday mornings.  I hope & pray that the governor WILL NOT open up Florida to out-of-state tourism, but my couple trips to Tallahassee leave me skeptical regarding his choice on that matter. 

This is 44, y'all and its been one crappy year. Yet communities flourish anyway-- I only need to look to my Compline group that meets on Zoom for prayer and conversation to know that humanity isn't totally cut off from each other.  I cam arrange more Zoom visits with my McCarren family this summer. 

Both of the women in my life who celebrate the same birthday and birth year today share one trait in common. Both Alla and my mom are resilient. 

Peace , love & light.....

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