Friday, May 1, 2020

News: My Facebook LIVE Morning Gig has a Name

Ladies, gents, and third or no-gendered people, my weekday Facebook Live broadcast, which I started as a way to cope with physical distancing, has a name  and an official logo!

  Due to not having money for good graphic artist's software , I relied on the materials I have in my little artist's nook in our Cute Cottage.

My FB Live broadcast, which will be a weekday morning online event will happen at approximately 8 AM. Central Standard Time .For my people in the Eastern time zone, the live broadcast will occur at 9 in the morning. 

As many people know, my favorite saint is St Brigid of Ireland, and as I have spent time working on various creative projets, joining my St Christopher's Pensacola community for Noonday Prayers { FB Live} and Compline { which is a much more intimate Zoom setting} Brian and I do take time for recreation-- and usually outside { unless the weather is poor then I do my best to be content with inside fun} Our life, bot together in our Cute Cottage, and online within our faith community, has taken a more monastic approach. Since Florid is still locked down , may of us have found that we enjoy the simpler pattern of work, prayer, work, prayer, recreation, work, prayer. 

As Anglicans { Episcopalians} our Prayer book give us the format & flexibility to pray the offices however we see fit. Our Compline [ bedtime prayers} is totally lay-led each weekday evening. On the times that my work will allow me to virtually attend Evening Prayer with one of my two priests, I find comfort in the fact that Christians of our tradition are praying that very office in home all over the world. 

All this explanation is to say that I think my little Facebook Live broadcast finally has a name that shows who I am and how I am honoring the tradition of my favorite saint, Brigid , by honoring the Druidry that is such a " grounding" part of my life. When my soul cannot feel God the Creator-- all I need to do is step outside and smell  and touch the good Creation. 

Dear ones, my anam charas, I hope and pray that you are staying safe. 


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