Monday, August 2, 2021

Finned Family Member: Meet " Luna"

                              Our newest addition to the family: Meet " Luna", a female betta fish. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie 

  Brian and I brought home a new family member today. She is about two inches long, bright yellow with red markings on her fins and face, and lives in a habitat on my desk at home. 

  Her name is Luna and she is a betta fish. 

   Luna is special, since she is the first female betta I've known. Brian and I have kept bettas in the past, but until now they were all males. The guys tend to be the fancier-- more color-full of the betta species, so many people have not kept the gals. Luna caught my eye for her active, curious personality and gorgeous luminous colors. 

  I named her " Luna" after the character in the Harry Potter fandom: Luna Lovegood. I've always identified with this character in Potterland, as she is s bookish & awkward as I am.  I tend to name my fish after fandoms I follow, our last betta boy was named " Skywalker". 

  We set the tank up as soon as we got it home, As soon as I put little Luna into her environment, she immediately began to explore her surroundings. This is a good sign, as an active betta is a healthy betta. I'll probably feel nervous and not want tl leave the house for long for a few days, as Luna settles in and I make sure I don't need to get any medicine for her. We came home from North Carolina to a sick Skywalker-- and his fin rot was aggressive. We buried the poor little creature of God i our yard next to our dog, Seamus' grave. 

Anyone who has kept bettas know that each little creature is unique. I look forward to getting to kow " Luna" . 


~Sarah McCarren


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