Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Life is Short, so LOVE as Much as Possible.

Photo of a sermon illustration , based on the Godly Play story entitled {The Ten Best Ways To Live_ 

There is a benediction that is used often at the end of Mass at my church. The words strike me as especially apropos during these times. 

The benediction prayer is as follows: 

Life is short,
And we do not have much time
to gladden the hearts of those who
make the journey with us.
So… be swift to love,
and make haste to be kind.
And the blessing of God,
who made us,
who loves us,
and who travels with us
be with you now and forever.
AMEN Henri Frederic Amiel (1821-1881}

During this { extended, due to a variant and people REFUSING to mask and/or get the vaccine}COVID season, I've had four significant deaths in my circle. Thankfully, no on e I loved has died from COVID, but the pandemic kept us away from celebrating these people's lives in a way that brought comfort and closure to many of us.

The most significant loss that I'm dealing with is the loss of my paternal Grandmother, Anne. Grandma, who would have turned 91 years old in late July had been a nurse and then nurse practitoner at a small hospital in Bumpkintown, Pennsylvania before her retirement. Granma would have had much to say to people who choose to believe unreliable sources of information over proven science.

Vaccines work. No, since this is a new virus, the science isn't perfect. However, people who get sick in spite of vaccination have a much milder case than vaccine refusers.

Anyway, back to the Godly Play story. The biggest commandments, according to the story by Jerome Berryman is this " Love God. Love. People. God Loves You."

It is a simple commandment, but hard to do when we are asked to wear hot, uncomfortable masks in public. { Additionally for we eyeglasses wearers, its a challenge to keep our spectacles fog-free}

Right now, love of neighbor demands that we wear masks in public. Are they uncomfortable ? Heck yes they are!! { I wear glasses and live in hot, humid Florida} But the commandment to love people as I love God means that I do what I can to keep myself and { more importantly} others safe.

Loving God and people can require sacrifice. I'm not a parent, but since my parents are thankfully still living, I know that they continue to make sure that their two offspring and our spouses are safe, fed and housed. Love of his family led my dad to rent a beautiful cabin in the western North Carolina mountains so{ VACCINATED} family and friends could come together safely in a beautiful setting.

That is an example of LOVE. In these times, there is no certainty that we'll see or loved ones " next time", so I am gratful for that holy time on the mountain with my kin.

At church, I willingly follow both the bishop's and my priest's directions for safely worshipping together on Sundays. Love required once again for us to push the start of our program year to a time when children are able to get their vaccines.

Life is short--- and for too many people around the wotld, life ended much quicker than they anticipated. If this COVID nightmare has one positive" take-away lesson for me, it would be this:

"Life is short,
And we do not have much time
to gladden the hearts of those who
make the journey with us.
So… be swift to love,
and make haste to be kind..." ~Henri Amiel

Each act of kindness and compassion matters , and we should spread kindness because it is what Jesus would want us to do if He were here now. Loving God & God's People looks like altering our behaviors and protecting others { and ourselves} from an illness that has killed too many people. Living in Florida, I can tell you now that the government cannot be depended upon to look after everyone's health & safety. It is up to we the people-- individuals and private businesses and organizations-- to encourage other to act on love by masking and vaccinations.

Make this life count. Set the example on how to love others.

Love is an action verb, and right now it is a lot of hard, uncomfortable work for we people of faith.

Spend quality time with { vaccinated} family & friends. Say : "I love you" to people who are not your romantic partner. English is woefully inaccurate in verb usage for the many types of love that we humans experience.
But it is all we go, so say it. More importantly, put LOVE into action.

In the Name of the Holy Three..
~Sarah McCarren
11 August 2021


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