Monday, August 9, 2021

Vaccines and Masks Save Lives

                                     Me,  masked and ready to serve at the altar at church on Sunday. Photo by Brian 

  Y'all, I am continuing to do my part and mask up when I am 

~ Indoors in public

~ Outdoors in crowds of people whom I don't know, on the rare occasions that I am outdoors in a crowd. Florida's unvaccinated numbers scare me. No large public gatherings for Brian and me until September. 

~When I visit someone who is vaccinated yet vulnerable if they catch breakthrough COVID. 

 Basically, I mask not so much to protect myself{ though isolation from COVID would be two weeks of psychological torture that I want to avoid at all costs} I'm not a high risk person-- if I do catch a breakthrough case, I won't die. 

Yesterday I visited a dear friend whom I've known since my college days: she has remained a part of my life and one of the most Christ-following Christians I know.  I wore my mask and made sure I washed my hands before I went to her house. When  our visit ended, I did not hug her { as much as my soul longed to do just that since we hadn't seen each other since COVID came to the USA } or even shake her hand. 

 Thanks to people who refuse to take the vaccine, loving each other means careful consideration with each interaction with people we love-- in spite of people in my life who did their patriotic duty and got the shots. Vaccinated people -- even if we don't fall ill with a breakthrough case, can be carriers. 

  This particular variant is hard on younger bodies-- and children are still waiting for their turn to get their shots. Additionally, vaccinated but still medically-fragile adults of any age need to be protected from the possibility of a breakthrough transmission. 

  I am so weary of the ' my body, my choice' argument.  While I do believe that our bodies have agency, the need to protect the public from a deadly virus super cedes any notion of " my body, my choice to vaccinate" Choosing to not get vaccinated IS NOT the same of choosing whether or not to get a piercing or tattoo. Living, breathing, known & loved souls are depending on all of us working together to stop this spread. Regarding choice and abortion, if you do not own or have owned a uterus-- don't even try that " life begins at conception" baloney with me. What I-- or anyone else with a uterus-- chooses to do with our reproductive lives is no one's business. 

  I'm tired, y'all. I was vaccinated as soon as I was able to be-- and I made the mistake of thinking other adults would care enough about humanity to roll up their sleeves. It is August of 2021 and I still am being careful so to protect the vulnerable among us. 

  I can only ask you to do the same. 


 ~Sarah McCarren

   August 9 2021