Saturday, August 28, 2021

Direct ACTION: Back at It!

                           Living Civil Rights leader from the 70's , The Rev Dr HK Matthews, was the keynote speaker at todays march/rally for voting rights in Florida. ~ Photo by The Pensacola Hippie.

After almost two LONG years of advocacy work from behind a computer screen,  I am BAAAAACK!!!! 

 Brian and I went to the Pensacola March Rally On Voting Rights this morning. We-- with a small but strong cross-section of the Pensacola area met at the Supervisor of Elections and marched to a square where we gathered { safely, masked and distanced} for inspirational speakers from the Black community. The march was peaceful as we chanted in solidarity & respectfully gave each person/ family unit space. 

 It was good to see { masked} friends at the rally, some of whom I'd not seen in months. I even acquired a new facial accessory today.... check it out { Zoom in on my face , it reads Black Votes Matter. }

                                                    Brian and me at the Supervisor of Elections office, before the march #BlackVotesMatter 

   Florida has some really scary legislation coming up that will affect many people in this state-- but is especially aimed at people-of-color. I have a copy of the the voting rights changes, and reading it makes my head spin. 

  VOTING IS FUNDAMENTAL TO DEMOCRACY. Yes, people have a right to  not vote. But NO ONE---- especially a state or federal branch of government--- has a right to restrict voting rights for otherwise qualified citizens. 

  Voting rights should be nonpartisan.  Regardless of one's political party affiliation { or lack of affiliation} } voting rights should be everyone's concern. 

  The fact that some Florida lawmakers are working so hard to squash voter eligibility shows that progress is just around the corner.

  This latest attempt by Florida's governor is aimed especially at Black and Brown voters-- imposing more hardships that can potentially block them from having their chance to participate in the political process. 

  I attended today's event as a concerned, engaged, active voter--- and ***** not****** as a member of my political party. I attended the event as the daughter of one veteran, the spouse of another and the parishioner of yet another veteran. These three, among many others I know-- have willingly fought for the right for this country to maintain our basic freedoms. The fact that this governor still has support with this ridiculous { and probably unconstitutional}  attempt to control who votes { and how they vote } scares and saddens me. 

But in the words of the song by Twisted Sister: 

"We're not gonna take it
No, we ain't gonna take it
We're not gonna take it anymore

We've got the right to choose and
There ain't no way we'll lose it
This is our life, this is our song
We'll fight the powers that be just
Don't pick our destiny 'cause
You don't know us, you don't belong"

After the 2018 mid-term elections, I swore to myself I'd stay away from politics. This attack on Floridians' voting rights, in addition to the horrors we all witnessed on January 6 has caused me to re-think my stance on political action. I wish tings were not so partisan, but right now America is as divided in ideals as its ever been in my lifetime. Partisan politics scare me, because I seek to unite-- to bring us together as Americans and Floridians-- as humans.  January 6-- an attempted coup on our very democracy by Americans exposed what had been brewing just under the surface for several years. 

   I'll never forget where I was and who I was with that morning. { thankfully among safe people} I still shudder when I think about what almost happened on that day.  But " nice people" don't bring up the events of January 6 and the people who were behind that attempt at a coup. This event is another defining moment of my generation--- much like the horrors imposed on this nation by a foreign enemy. 

  I must act. 

   “We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”

― Elie Wiesel

I've been that " nice White moderate" for all of my adult life-- afraid to rock the boat and cause riffs in friendships and family. But knowing how hard some of our elected officials are working to keep many Floridians from our rightful chance to vote reminds me of the horrors of January 6. 

I am taking a side. I am standing up with and for oppressed people. and I'm speaking. 

With Love & Liberation....
~Sarah McCarren


  1. With love and liberation indeed! Thank you for your words and witness, in person and on screen, Sarah.

    1. Thank you, dear Alla+ YOUR life and witness has helped me find my own prophetic gifts that Mother God has given me.
