Thursday, August 12, 2021

The Delta Storm is Here and Now . " Fred" is Hypothetical

                                     Butterfly. Just because... Photo by The Pensacola Hippie

So the amateur storm chasers in my social media feed are " tracking" and " predicting" where this latest system-- to be named Fred if it develops-- will make landfall. Now I { try to} understand why it helps some people to share news and storm path possibilities with everyone they know. I'm told that this helps some people feel better about living in Hurricane Alley. 

It does not  help me. As a matter of fact, I've snoozed several good people on Facebook within the past couple of days because my mind and soul just do not have the emotional/spiritual band-with needed to discuss POSSIBLE storm situations. 

I cannot add more to my plate right now: too much real shit is happening in my life, and I need the energy to faith-fully serve them. I found out yesterday that a family whom I know & love here all came down with COVID. Thankfully, three of the four of them are vaccinated, but their youngest child has yet to be  cleared for vaccination { Please, please hustle more with the FDA approval, US Health Department! }Children all over Florida are returning to school, and our Governor is using his Executive Order power to threaten to pull state money if school districts revolt against the no-masking requirement. 

A dear, long-term, Christ-following friend of mine is homebound due to a chronic illness. Since she and I have been vaccinated, I went to see her after church on Sunday In order to make sure I do all I can to protect her, I washed my hands & wore a mask. We had a wonderful visit when we could look into each other's eyes and hear our voices, but she could not see the big smile under my mask.  When the time came to leave I refrained from hugging her-- or even holding her hand. While I did { and will do} all of these things to protect vulnerable people I love, it pained my soul to have a masked and touchless visit. 

Stories like mine are not rare in Florida and other places. I willingly return to covering my face in public or in the presence of vulnerable people { such as children or medically-fragile adults} 

So no-- I lack the band-with to follow a hypothetical Atlantic storm system--- and until it enters the Gulf,,  IF it enters the Gulf-- I will set some boundaries. I understand that Northwest Florida was ravaged by " Sally"s unexpected sharp turn so I understand why people are afraid. But I cannot afford to let storm stress live in my head right now. Storms with names are frightening, but years of Gulf Coast life leave me confident with how to prepare if one should enter the Gulf. I see no need to run to the store and buy all the bread, beer and toilet paper weeks in advance of a storm's projected path. 

If I buy anything in bulk, it is : cleaning supplies, plastic Ziplock bags, and plenty of hand sanitizer. Yesterday, for good measure, I purchased two new cloth masks that are washable, adjustable and breathable for Brian and me. 

Life is short, and if any outside force deserves some of my emotional labor, it is helping to stop the Delta variant from infecting more people.  I'm not borrowing trouble by acting on my concern for the spread of the virus here in Florida-- especially since it is affecting people I know & about whom I care. 

It also puzzles me-- as a non-native Floridian-- why people are more willing to stress over potential storms while ignoring the huge viral storm crisis that is here now. 

Please don't talk to me about scary weather. I've been in Florida for almost 23 years and I know how to deal with storms. People who still think a deadly virus is a hoax and/or thinks that the vaccine is really some sort of microchip are who scare me. 

~Sarah McCarren

12 August 2021


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