Thursday, July 29, 2021

Honoring our brave sisters: the Philadephia 11

                                      My signed copy of Rev Alla Renee Bozarth, PH.D's book _Womanpriest_  Photo by The Pensacola Hippie 

Today, 11 brave women made history at an Episcopal church un Philadelphia, PA. They stood for ordination { irregularly} as priests in the Episcopal branch of the One Holy . catholic  Church. Here is the collect for today:

 O God, you poured your Spirit from on high to bless and summon these women, who heard the strength of your call: Equip, guide, and inspire us with wisdom, boldness, and faith to trust you in all circumstances, hear you preach new life to your church, and stretch out our hands to serve you, as you created us and redeemed us in the name of Jesus Christ, who lives with you and the Holy Spirit, one God everlasting. Amen.

 In the entire history of Christianity, ordained women are still a new concept.  The Philadelphia ordinations happened in 1974-- two years before The General Convention of The Episcopal Church would officially recognize women as clergy. 

I honor the bishops who stood up for justice and equality and ordained these women against the wishes of the majority of their colleagues in the House of Bishops. 

The Rev Carter Heyward, one of the 11 women ordained on this day in 1974, had this to say in an article

“Well, we were really quite privileged to be able to take that step. Somebody had to take it and it was our time, I guess. We came along and we were ready in every way other than the fact that the church wasn’t ready, but we were.”

She said " The church wasn't ready, but we were."

Each and every step towards justice and equality for all involves people bravely stepping up to do what many say should not/could not be done.

Following Jesus requires risk. Christianity is a way of life that requires apostolic, prophetic action. As followers of Jesus, we look to Him for the model of how to bring about change that honors the image of God that is in every person on Earth. It seems like working for justice for all often has us taking one step forward and being thrown two steps back by people who oppose systemic change. We must press forward regardless of the challenges-- future generations need you and me to be trailblazers in our own lives.

I'm blessed to be a part of a Christian community with TWO women clergy among us. For me, the fact that women are priests and deacons in my Church is something which I will never take for granted. My earliest Christian formation was sitting in a Roman Catholic church with my paternal grandmother and feeling befuddled that all the priests I'd seen in my short life { I was 4} had been men. I asked Grandma after Mass one day: " Grandma why are their no girl priests?" She looked at me sadly and said " That's a good question.' I am pretty sure that Grandma would agree with me when I say that the Church is blessed by the gifts of people of all genders { and people who do not claim any gender }

Today, let's honor all woman who have the courage to follow God's path for their lives-- in spite of obstacles that human institutions might place as blockades.

Stand tall. Be seen. Speak loudly. Be a force for good in this ever-darkening society.

Be brave, like our sisters who were ordained 47 years ago today.

~Sarah McCarren

Pensacola, FL

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