Thursday, July 22, 2021

God's Country: Part 4

  View of Mile High Swinging Bridge from a lookout post on Grandfather Mountain.  Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

Day 4 . 

Today Brian and I visited Grandfather Mountain. It was NOT cheap, but worth every penny of admission price. Due to COVID restrictions, we had to secure reservations online prior to driving over to Linville. Our arrival time was 9 a.m., but we were able to get in fifteen minutes early.  Due to some physical restrictions for both of us, we opted to not  hike the long, steep path to the famed Mile High Bridge. We drove to the summit and walked steps to the bridge. 

 Me at one end of the " Mile High Bridge on Grandfather Mountain. Brian chose to not walk across the suspension bridge, but I overcame my fear of heights and walked across it. Photo by Brian. 

Walking across the bridge, I put one foot in front of the other while staring straight ahead-- avoiding looking in either the right nor left. I reached the other side with no panic attacks, but did not trust my balance enough to climb over the rocks to the second peak. The last time I visited Grandfather Mountain I was eleven years old-- and now I am middle-aged.  It is better to be safe than stupid, and the view was just as lovely from my sturdy perch. 

                        One side of the Bridge. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

After we visited the summit, we drove down to the Wildlife Preserve and took a lovely walking tour of native animals who are year -round residents of Grandfather Mountain. We saw several native species, but our favorites are the black bear and the trio of { male} elk. 

Our last activity on Grandfather Mountain was an easy hike in the woods. We chose a mile-long , but fairly easy circular trail. To be safe, we employed our hiking sticks . I grew up in Northern Appalachia, so walking in dense , elevated woods is ingrained in my muscle memory. 

Y'all, I miss the mountains. If Brian and I could afford a second home, I'd choose the mountains of western North Carolina. 

~Sarah McCarren
Beech Mountain , NC

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