Tuesday, July 20, 2021

God's Country: Part One

                                          Siblings {and our spouses} at Beech Mountain, NC . Photo by Barbara. 

 We are here. After two-days of driving. { we spent the night in Atlanta } we are in the highest incorporated community east of the Mississippi River.  Our " cabin' has five bedrooms and five bathrooms. There are two big decks that face  the mountain vista. 

                    Sunset from the deck on Beech Mountain. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie

Brian has never been to Beech Mountain, and it is fun to share this wonderful area with him.   Yesterday afternoon we arrived at the cabin . It was wet and drizzly, but I am glad to be here. Florida summers can  so miserably hot and humid Florida summers { not to mentioned named storms} 

   We were treated by a deer family last evening as we came back from supper. We stopped at  a lookout spot near a hiking trail, and were gifted with the deer sighting. The young buck looked right at me-- he did not feel threatened by my presence. 


                      Young Buck looking at me. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie. 

 Later that evening, as I was enjoying a soak in the hot tub, my little niece , my brother, and I saw a doe come into the backyard slope. She seemed either unaware or unafraid of we humans as she quietly grazed on some clover. The hot tub felt wonderful on my sore muscles-- after two days' worth of truck travel , I felt the strain on my bones & muscles. 

Today we have a short hike planned , and my uncle & aunts arrive from Pittsburgh this afternoon. Due to Brian's cancer treatments & Pandemic 2021, I've not seen some Pittsburgh relatives in over two years. regarding COVID19  & news consumption, I am doing my best to keep from " borrowing trouble" regarding the delta variant. We plan to stay as far away from people not in our group { we are all vaccinated} when we our in public. 

That's all for now. I was really tired yesterday, so there is not much Namaste! 

~Sarah McCarren
Beech Mountain, NC 

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