Friday, July 23, 2021

God's Country : Part 5

                                   Pisgah National Forest trail. Photo by The Pensacola Hippie 

Today Brian and I had every intention of going to see Linville Falls: I'd even Googled the location. When we got to the Blue Ridge Parkway entrance, we discovered that the direction where " Mile Marker 315 ' is located is on a portion of the scenic highway that is closed for repair.  Since we had already invested time and gasoline to get to the Parkway, we decided to pivot and drive a little in the opposite direction, and we fund a wonderful trailhead. 

                             Yours truly at the trailhead in Pisgah. Photo by Brian. 

The hike was lovely, and not too strenuous for Brian. While I am a wee bit disappointed that we di not get to Linville Falls, I am grateful for the quiet time in the woods with my spouse. To be honest, I really do not want to go home tomorrow-- especially to a COVID-ravaged Pensacola. I know that this is hitting those foolish adults who refuse to vaccinate. Pensacola unvaccinated  people are finally getting sick-- and I've seen heart-breaking stories of patients who, before they are intubated, beg for the vaccine { Science is not consumer-driven, one needs to follow correct procedure for the vaccines to work} Meanwhile, we vaccinated people are doubling down to keep children under 12 safe until medical science deems vaccines safe for them .

I don't want to leave western NC until late November. 

~Sarah McCarren

Beech Mountain NC


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