Sunday, July 25, 2021

An Open Letter to Unvaccinated Adults

                                     Safe road trip to North Carolina mountains thanks to VACCINATIONS and SCIENCE.  Photo by Brian 

                     Dear Unvaccinated American Adults: 

   I see you, and I know some of you. And if you feel called out by this letter-- that is my intent. 

   Cases of the delta variant of COVID 19 are on the rise. While a few of the vaccinated adults are catching this virus, the majority of those cases are among adults who refuse the vaccine

  While I would NEVER wish this illness on anyone, I must admit that I resent the hell out of the need to return somewhat to COVID Life. I, and almost everyone I know and love, have received their vaccine. Parents of children I know & love are waiting for the CDC to deem vaccines safe for people under age 12. Many families with young ones are still in quarantine-- doing their best to keep their children safe, since the Delta variant is known to be more dangerous to young patients. 

  I am not a parent, but I am the Aunt of a beautiful nephew and niece { ages almost 8 and 6} I fail to understand why anyone who is around children can still stubbornly refuse the vaccine

  I am vaccinated, as is my spouse and everyone with whom I associate closely. But I do now people who are among the unvaccinated, and it is to you that I make my plea. 

  You have the right to your political opinions.  But for the sake of all that is decent--- PLEASE listen to science and not talking heads on the TV. Read the CDC reports. Better yet: talk to people who have survived COVID. Someone once told me on Facebook { and I have blocked such person} that they didn't think that a virus that is ** only** fatal to ten percent of those who catch it is cause for masking / vaccine . Let me ask this: what if your spouse , parent, sibling best friend.. ect had bee among the ** only** ten percent of COVID deaths. 

  Each death from Covid is a family tragedy. Vaccines have saved lives: yet so many Americans are digging in their heels based on nothing but suspicion. We could have seen every American adult vaccinated by now, but instead more people are sick and dying. 

  Florida, where I live, is one of the worst states with COVID hospitalizations. Once again, my spouse and I { WHO ARE BOTH VACCINATED}  are masking up and sanitizing hands after every indoor encounter with the public. Of course I'll do this to protect the more vulnerable among us, but I honestly resent adults who can but will not get the vaccine. I did my part to keep folx safe and will continue to do what is best for all humanity. I refuse to be a silent spreader-- and I DO blame unvaccinated adults for this plight we are in now. 

Own it-- and just get the damn shots. 

Pissed off, but not pissed on...

~Sarah McCarren

25 July 2021


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