Wednesday, July 28, 2021

I stand with Simone


                             Me, med-forties and still healthy & fit thanks to a lifestyle learned while participating in sports.  I know that no sport is worth sacrificing one's mental or physical health.  Photo by Brian. 

  I stand with Simone Biles. I admire her integrity & bravery away from the gymnastics club as much as I admire her breath-taking talent as an athlete. 

  It takes courage to stand up to abusive coaches, and it takes even more chutzpah to call out slimy " team doctors" who are touching the athletes inappropriately. 

 In school, I was an athlete. Most of my coaches are/were wonderful people who helped me grow in a healthy direction. However, I had to quit basketball as a high school junior because of a coach's behavior. This person's style of " leadership" involved screaming at the athletes and humiliating  them in front of teammates. That is all I can say without mentioning this coach by name or any other identifying feature. 

 My junior year of high school was rough. To be honest, I blocked most of that year from memory-- it was just too painful. My mental illness was still at its peak and I probably spent more time on the therapist's couch than I did in class.  My eating disorder was also at its worst-- which depleted my physical abilities. My coach didn't see me as a person-- a person who needed help, so I quit.  I had enough internal chaos without someone shouting in my ear-- reminding me that I am not a star. 

  The problem of abusive coaches in girls/ women's  sports isn't confined to the elite ranks of national teams. Nor is coach's abuse a new phenomenon in elite sports-- look at Kerri Strug's ' miraculous' vault after sustaining a bad injury 

Win At All Cost is a fallacy.  Revisiting the Strug situation as a grown adult 20 plus years later has me seeing through different eyes. The athlete needed medical attention and a little mental health TLC. Instead, her coach forced her to perform like a circus animal. 

This is so wrong. Athletes, regardless of the level at which they compete in sports, are human.  Their physical and mental health is important. 

I stand with Simone, and every other female athlete who has suffered because of a ruthless coach. 

~Sarah McCarren

28 July 2021

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