Tuesday, December 1, 2020

#AdventWord #Strengthen

 Authentic Cherokee prayer bowl that I purchased from an authentic  Cherokee potter artisan in Hendersonville , NC Photo by The Pensacola Hippie 

Today's word is STRENGTHEN . 

This has been a tough year for { almost } everyone I know. We all are victims of this pandemic--- even those of us who stay safe by following all the CDC guidelines. We are healthy, but most { if not all} of our time is spent with a very small " COVID Pod". Most of our socialization is done online. This is necessary-- but not easy for most of we social creatures. 

However, throughout this adversity I find my faith strengthened. There are a myriad of ways this has happened, so I will list a few. 

Never again will I take for granted the blessing that is in-person corporate worship . During the lockdown in Florida, online worship was our only option. Each week after I logged off of worship, I found my soul longing for Communion--- both the Bread of Life & { more importantly} sharing space with my parish community. Our return to in-person worship continues to be an anchor point as COVID season drags on. My love for my parish family has been strengthened by the forced time apart that we had to endure for the sake of all. 

My relationship with both of my parents has strengthened. Mom and Dad are part of the small " pod" that Brian and I have, we spend Sunday afternoons in Navarre with my parents. Through this ritual of a visit and a shared meal, my relationship with my parents has grown stronger. 

Since being among strangers is a no-no right now, Brian and I do our best to spend a lot of time outdoors. This summer, both of us began the sport of kayaking and I discovered that this sport strengthens both my mental/spiritual health and my physical strength. My upper body has not been this well-conditioned since my high school sports years.  I've toned my arms & shoulders, so my clothes fit better & give me more confidence in how I look. 

There is no doubt that the most-recent election season { and its immediate aftermath} has been ugly on all accounts. However, the ugliness  re-minded me of the values that I do my best to live by daily. These past four years has seen an attempt on stealing rights away from people who do not meet the White ,Straight, Independently Wealthy , Male & " Christian" criteria.  As the Black Lives Matter movement accelerated I found myself dealing with systematic racism & anti-Semitism with renewed vigor.  Sadly, I also saw some of the worst from people-- some whom I know and love. Yet the extra-ugly political season and post-election crap show has strengthened my resolve to stand up for justice for all. 

Year 2020 has been like no other in my forty-four years of life on Earth. To be honest, some days were so bad all I could manage was to get out of bed , brush my teeth & eat a wee bit of food. As we turn the corner to a new calendar year & all its promised { VACCINE!}  I am a stronger, more confident version of myself. 

Thanks be to God! 



1 Dec 2020 

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